IN FIREFOX i.e. Version 44 (not in other browsers like safari) the dynamic class =" … sfhover" is not removed or removed only with a delay from the currently selected menu item the (.current-menu-item)
EXAMPLE: if the hover color is yellow and you click on a menu item which
becomes the current-menu-item it remains yellow.
how can i work around this problem?
i cannot use solve this problem by using .sfHover.current-menu-item a because the dynamic styles are using " !important "
Sorry but i cant seem to understand the issue. If you want to set a custom Header Color Scheme you can do it in Salient Theme Options Panel -> Header Navigation Section .
IN FIREFOX i.e. Version 44 (not in other browsers like safari)
the dynamic class =" … sfhover" is not removed or removed only with a delay
from the currently selected menu item the (.current-menu-item)
EXAMPLE: if the hover color is yellow and you click on a menu item which
becomes the current-menu-item it remains yellow.
how can i work around this problem?
i cannot use solve this problem by using
.sfHover.current-menu-item a because the dynamic
styles are using " !important "
Hey ,
Sorry but i cant seem to understand the issue. If you want to set a custom Header Color Scheme you can do it in Salient Theme Options Panel -> Header Navigation Section .
ThemeNectar Support Team
i was searching for line 43 in
\"color:\'. $options[\"accent-color\"].\'!important;\"
needed to remove the !important be able to customize my css code.
there are some compatibility of issues with the \"current_page_item\"
property in firefox (using a onepager).
now i will be able to create my own bugfix
ticket closed.