I just updated to the newest version, but now I get an error saying 'Redux Framework Warning' for select2-css, select2-js CDN and ace-editor-js CDN. And in the tab 'typogrpahy' i can't change the type. Do you know what could the problem could be?, and how it is to fix?
Hi there,
I just updated to the newest version, but now I get an error saying 'Redux Framework Warning' for select2-css, select2-js CDN and ace-editor-js CDN. And in the tab 'typogrpahy' i can't change the type. Do you know what could the problem could be?, and how it is to fix?
Hey ,
Could you please go through the steps mentioned in here https://themenectar.ticksy.com/article/5032/ .
ThemeNectar Support Team
i just checked the list. Deactivating the plugin \'SVG support\' did the job. Thanks!