Fantastic theme! I have been building a site based on your theme from the ground up (I realised you can import demo templates later).
I am having trouble getting the icon animation to appear as it does on the Clean-All-Purpose theme template - e.g. the circle border pops out when hovering over the icons on the front page. I have tried using the adding class 'circle-border' with no luck. Am I missing something? Am I correct in thinking the best way to add a nectar icon is by on the front page is by adding text block and then using the nectar icon shortcode?
Hi there!
Fantastic theme! I have been building a site based on your theme from the ground up (I realised you can import demo templates later).
I am having trouble getting the icon animation to appear as it does on the Clean-All-Purpose theme template - e.g. the circle border pops out when hovering over the icons on the front page. I have tried using the adding class 'circle-border' with no luck. Am I missing something? Am I correct in thinking the best way to add a nectar icon is by on the front page is by adding text block and then using the nectar icon shortcode?
Looking forward to a response!
Kind regards,
Hey ,
Yes thats correct you can place it in a text box using the icon shortcode or add the Text with Icon Element as well .
ThemeNectar Support Team
This didn\'t answer my question... But I worked it out!!!
Just add the following term to the shortcode.
Is there anywhere we can find a list of shortcodes extras / css class terms? It seems to be mostly trial and error for me so far.
Hey Again,
Please use the Nectar Shortcode Generator: .
ThemeNectar Support Team