  Public Ticket #661863
nectar slider all slides at once


  • Jackson started the conversation


    I saw the following post:

    I upgraded to the newest version of Wordpress today, and now all of my pages that use the Nectar Slider are showing all of my slides, instead of the slides i want to show on that individual page. Please help me to figure out what is going on so i can get the site displaying properly. thank you! You can see my homepage displaying all my slides instead of the 3 i chose.

    I'm having the same problem more or less: ALL slides are showing up in ALL of my nectar slider instances, instead of slides showing only where they are assigned. My problem is that my client's theme has been highly customized, so when I try updating to the latest version of salient (7.0.6)---the whole site breaks in several aspects.

    -Can you tell me what files i need to replace specifically to restore the Nectar slider to proper behavior, instead of updating the entire theme?

    -OR, if not the above, can you provide me with an older version of salient that won't break my client's site (at least not as much as the latest version of sailent)? They are on 5.5.3, so a version closer to that.

  •  9,106
    Tahir replied

    Hey ,

    Try to update the functions.php file first and check if that fixes it. If you dont want to replace the whole functions file then try updating the \"nectar_slider_display\" function .


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • David replied

    Hey there,

    I\'m actually having almost exactly the same issue, been trying to resolve it for some time now but the slider seems buggy across several project pages. I can\'t seem to customise my sliders at all - just seems to display all the published slides despite what slider location is or isn\'t assigned to each of them. Rearranging the slide ordering has no effect either but at least this does seem to register which slides i\'ve assigned to which location. It\'s really quite frustrating - it\'s as if my sliders have been locked on an old revision of my page builds.

    Even when I edit the visual composer of my page and I try to drag/move my nectar slider row element from the top of the row order to a different position - let\'s say, the bottom of the page; The row appears to have been move but is in fact still locked at the top of the page when I press update and view the front end changes. The only choice I have is to delete the slider completely, which I\'ve had to do on some pages to avoid duplicates.

    The Iast thing I tried was replacing the entire functions.php file sourced from a fresh download of the theme, but this didn\'t help.

    Am currently running the latest version of wordpress 4.4.2 and Salient 6.1.5.

    Please help. Thanks.

  •  9,106
    Tahir replied

    Hey David,
    Please create a new ticket with your login details so we can have a look .


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Jackson replied

    For those of you having this problem...

    In functions.php replace this...

    $slides = new WP_Query( array( \'post_type\' => \'nectar_slider\', \'slider-locations\' => $slider_terms->slug, \'posts_per_page\' => -1, \'order\' => \'ASC\', \'orderby\' => \'menu_order\' ) );

    With this...

    $slides = new WP_Query( array( \'post_type\' => \'nectar_slider\', \'tax_query\' => array( array( \'taxonomy\' => \'slider-locations\', \'field\' => \'slug\', \'terms\' => $slider_terms->slug ) ), \'posts_per_page\' => -1, \'order\' => \'ASC\', \'orderby\' => \'menu_order\' ) );

  • Christopher replied

    I have the same problem which started with the upgrade to Wordpress 4.4.2.
    My Salient version is older so am now going through an update. Likewise there are a number of customisations.

    The fixed suggested unfortunately doesn\'t work, my version of functions.php is quite different, hopefully after the update this then works.

  • David replied

    Thanks Jackson Howell - That was an immediate fix for me.

  • Christopher replied

    An Update - a full update to the latest version of the theme (and visual editor) fixed this. The widgets were lost after the update and had to be rebuilt, likewise customisations in the code and also in the CSS.

    I recommend carefully identifying the customisations to restore it faster.