Hi there, I\'m sure you already answered this many times before but I need to have the mobile state/menu kicking in on 1330 pixels or less because my menu simply is too long! Can you provide the correct CSS snippet?
I also need to change when my mobile menu kicks in. Can someone post those images again or write a step by step procedure? Would be nice to have this be an option in future releases.
Hi there, I\'m sure you already answered this many times before but I need to have the mobile state/menu kicking in on 1330 pixels or less because my menu simply is too long! Can you provide the correct CSS snippet?
Much appreciated!
ThemeNectar Support Team
Thanks a lot Tahir. You\'re the greatest! Keep it up!
Hé Tahir, I need this solution again please. When I hit the links below it says "There's nothing to see here"
Hi Mark,
Thanks for keeping in touch.
I'm afraid I'm not seeing those links.
Please try sending those through once more so that I may take a closer look for you?
Looking forward to your reply.
Kind Regards
Hi everyone,
I also need to change when my mobile menu kicks in. Can someone post those images again or write a step by step procedure? Would be nice to have this be an option in future releases.
Hi Mark,
Please see attached pictures with the files to edit highlighted.
http://prnt.sc/a0ip1u and http://prnt.sc/83b9f2
Hope this helps.