  Public Ticket #668147
Logo in mobile and misc items


  • Trey started the conversation

    #1. We have finally launched the site after months of development. The logo on mobile seems to get way too small in the mobile breakpoints and no matter what I do I cannot fix it because of some css that is placed on the actual php page that overwrites anything I try to do. I went so far as to add the responsive.css to my child theme but that too is overwritten by the onpage css.

    This shows the on-page css: http://screencast.com/t/tN6Ahh3rs9

    I tried adding this to the style.css:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 1000px) and (min-width: 1px) {

    #footer-widgets .container .col {
    margin-bottom: 10px!important;

    header#top #logo img{
    margin-top: 0px!important;

    header#top {

    #2 We need to make the "Leave a Reply" an <h6> tag for SEO purposes and it's currently an H3. http://screencast.com/t/CX0ubI35

    I have tried changing it based on what wordpress says but I for the life of me couldn't find a way to do it in this theme. Can you point me to the right place please?

    Finally I would like to say I appreciate all the help while we were developing this site and I noticed a "Pretty Photo" part in the page builder now so I hope my implementation helped.

  • Trey replied

    #3 Every time I make a new page and hit Publish I get this message \"Are you sure you want to do this? Please try again.\" It publishes the page but it takes me to the blank page that has that message. It\'s happened since we updated to version 6.

  •  9,105
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    You seem to be on Salient 7.0.2 . Please update to 7.0.6 .

    We just released Salient 7.0.6, If you\'ve already installed Salient VC 4.9.2 you\'ll need to delete it and reinstall it to get some of the fixes, See changelog :http://themenectar.com/changelogs/salient.html .

    Update the theme by following this guide: https://themenectar.ticksy.com/article/3218/ . Also see Visual Composer update instructions in here: https://themenectar.ticksy.com/article/5182/


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Trey replied

    I have updated to 7.02 and it did not fix any of my questions.

    Please address questions 1-3 below. Our support is about to run out and I need to get this fixed we have invested significant time with your template but these are issues we need to resolve. I have personally had 4 different clients buy your template based on my recommendation because I think it is awesome so please help us get this stuff fixed.

    This is a screen cap of #3 below: http://screencast.com/t/RZH0KsOA3S

  •  9,105
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    1: Please adjust in here and remove any related custom css: http://prntscr.com/a72di7 .

    2: The H3 cant be changed as its generated by WP core code.

    3: Please clear Post Revisions . Try using the WP-optimize Plugin .

    Also clear your cache using this guide: https://themenectar.ticksy.com/article/6226/


    ThemeNectar Support Team