  Public Ticket #668901
Pad Price Blocks


  •  9
    Shane started the conversation

    How can we pad price blocks? And which font setting adjusts the size of the text in the header section of an accordion drop down?

    Thank you.. Shane

  •  9,097
    Tahir replied

    Hey ,

    You are gonna need custom css. Add this into the Custom CSS box located in your Salient Options panel (Make Sure there are no red cross in the Box) :

    .col .pricing-table h3 {
        padding: 20px !important;
        line-height: 1.3em !important;
    .col .pricing-table p {
        padding: 0px 20px;

    Also this might help: https://support.woothemes.com/hc/en-us/articles/203105957-Customizing-your-theme-with-Firebug


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •  9
    Shane replied

    Great, that worked perfectly. Now could you please take a look at the mobile version of this site http://restaurantssouthernhighlands.com/ you told me a while back to add and img src code to the caption of nectar slider to see a logo.. but on mobile now, it\'s trippin. It disappears as soon as it comes in. Please advise.. Shane

  •  9
    Shane replied

    on iphone 6s in chrome browser

  •  9
    Shane replied

    and the logo won\'t show up on header. its text filler :/

  •  9,097
    Tahir replied

    Hey ,

    I see you added it to the images.


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •  9
    Shane replied

    Yes, that is how i originally did it, but much prefer using the code to pull the logo in, it resizes well and ultimately looks cleaner. I added the img src code to 2 other sites that I\'ve built with your template and would prefer to keep it that way. When i update the theme it does the same thing, the image loads and disappears. Also, on the nectar image slider, when the second slide loads, it doesn\'t fade in, it jumps in. The rest of the slides fade fine, and it fades fine on the second rotation, but not the first and does not feel good when the end user sees the second slide come in. It looks jagged and unpolished. I will keep informing you of the little bugs i see here and there, as you guys do a great job of updating the theme and we all appreciate it very much. I turn every designer i know onto your template because its excellent and your responsiveness is greatly appreciated. Please advise.. Shane

  •  9,097
    Tahir replied

    Is there a url where i can see the issue ? .


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •  9
    Shane replied

    Now the logo won\'t show up at all on my iphone. I changed the 3rd slide on zest.. now it is just the background image and no logo comes in. See attached screen shot. Here is the url.. wait for slide 3. http://restaurantssouthernhighlands.com/

  •  9
    Shane replied

    nevermind.. i think i may have figured it out.. it seems that when i overwrite a nectar slide and use the same slide on the page. it gets confused. if i make a new slider location, the page reads fresh information and it seems to work fine. ill let you know if something changes. thank you.. shane

  •  9
    Shane replied

    I take that back. sorry tahir.. the slider is blipping out. if you go to the page you will see, on an iphone, the second slide looses the logo. http://restaurantssouthernhighlands.com/ Please advise.. Shane

  •  9,097
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    Seems to be showing up alright in emulation mode: http://prntscr.com/a722bn . Could you provide a screenshot of the issue.


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •  9
    Shane replied

    See attachment..

  •  9
    Shane replied

    Doing it to this site as well. http://mobiledetail.vegas/ I just downloaded salient to make sure it was fully updated. Look at it on an iphone 6 in safari.. don't look at emulation.. look at an actual phone.. the logo shows up and disappears. Please advise  :(  

  •  9
    Shane replied

    Also, on this same site: http://mobiledetail.vegas/ I can not get the date to go away on the portfolio items with the custom css you provided once before.

    .portfolio-items[data-ps="6"] .work-meta p {
        display: none !important;

    Please advise.

  •  9
    Shane replied

    And there is a gap at the bottom of the portfolio section for some reason. http://mobiledetail.vegas/ Please see my other three replies below this one and address them all. Thank you. Shane

  •  9
    Shane replied

    I got the space figured out, i needed to make it full width. But i still need help with the portfolio date and logo in the nectar slide show. Please see below and advise.. Shane

  •  9
    Shane replied

    I got the issue with the logo disappearing figured out. When i use the img src code to embed a logo into the caption section of the nectar slider, it won't stay if the slider is set to slide. I has to be set to fade, then the image stays put. 

    Still having issues with the date on the portfolio images on the home page. Please advise.  http://mobiledetail.vegas/

    I can not get the date to go away on the portfolio items with the custom css you provided once before.
    .portfolio-items[data-ps="6"] .work-meta p {
        display: none !important;

  •  9
    Shane replied

    Am i annoying you?

  •  3,080
    Andrew replied

    Hi Shane,

    Our apologies for the late reply in response to this support request.

    I have investigate your URL https://www.thehealingtrinity.com/energy-healing/ and noticed you are using the latest current version of the Salient Theme (7.5.02)

    Are you still experiencing the issues in regards to the date on the portfolio images?

    I look forward to your reply if applicable
