  Public Ticket #676394
Blog / Links in masonry not showing image


  • M started the conversation

    Links ar eposting on the masonry blog, but not showing the featured image. How can i fix this please?

  •  9,102
    Tahir replied


    You need to set the Featured Image in the Metabox : http://prntscr.com/a5b760 .


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • M replied

    Yes, that\'s not working. See attached screenshot.

  •   M replied privately
  • M replied

    Guys - this is a live site. Please fix asap.


  •   M replied privately
  • M replied

    Also, when using \'links\' as the post format, the blog option is not showing. for reference, please see c2a.misgoodbuildsite.info - the breaking news, christian news, and good news sections. And the attached screenshot.

    The live site needs this fixed ASAP.

    c2atoday.com is the livesite.
    c2a.misgoodbuildsite.info is the working site.

  • M replied

    Why is there no support for these?

  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey, very sorry for the delay

    1. Tahir was slightly mistaken, by default the link post format does not show a featured image at all and is intentionally left to just the theme accent color as the demos show - however modding the featured image into the post format could be achievable. You'd need to add this where fit

    <!--?php if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) {
    echo '<span class="post-featured-img"-->'.get_the_post_thumbnail($post->ID, 'full', array('title' => '')) .'';
    } ?>

    into the salient/includes/post-templates/entry-link.php file

    2. If your masonry category page only contains posts that don't have at least one image, try switching to the classic enhanced version in your Salient Options panel > blog tab