  Public Ticket #679180
Lightbox fails to load in HTTPS


  • Shane started the conversation

    I just converted my site to HTTPS and noticed lightbox was launching but the videos were stuck loading and not playing. After much trouble shooting, I found out that if the page loads in HTTP, the videos play fine. If you load the page as HTTPS, the videos get stuck.

    The linked video is https hosted on youtube:

    I have wordpress set to force SSL in the wp-config.php file

    define('FORCE_SSL', true);

    But I turned of the the .htaccess rewrite condition for testing purporses

    #RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Forwarded-Proto} !https
    #RewriteRule .* https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R,L]

    Using Microsoft Edge Browser on Windows 10 I noticed that the browser asked if I want to show secure elements or all elements.

    When I left secure elements only, the lightbox hangs. When I allow all elements, the page allows youtube to launch the video.

  •  9,099
    Tahir replied

    Hey ,

    You will have to change the protocol inside prettyphoto.js : http://prntscr.com/a72kqi . Have noted this for the upcoming Theme update.


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Shane replied

    I made the change as suggested and the behavior in https does not change...

  •  9,099
    Tahir replied
    Hey ,

    Seems to be working now: http://prntscr.com/a7vm31 .

    Please clear your cache using this guide: https://themenectar.ticksy.com/article/6226/


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Shane replied

    Confirmed... seems that the videos are now loading in HTTPS Thank you

  •  1
    Justin replied

    Just thought I'd mention I just updated to the newest version 7.0.8 and had this same problem. Wanted to point this out in case you forgot to include it in newer version. I was able to hard code it in prettyphoto.js as you suggested to resolve the issue but obviously it should be patched.

  • muntzdesigns replied

    Having the same current issue:

    Any idea how to fix the video lightbox from not working with SSL…I have my site secure for online payments but my SSL(https://) is not allowing my video lightbox to open when using your video lightbox element…any helps would be amazing….someone else had this issue via your ticky support but no solution given…thanks


    @Justin what is the code your using in prettyphoto.js?

  •  9,099
    Tahir replied

    Make these changes in prettyphoto .js : 

    ThemeNectar Support Team