  Public Ticket #694206
Portfolio style grid layout without using portfolio


  • Andrew started the conversation

    Is it possible to use the same kind of grid layout like the portfolios (for example http://themenectar.com/demo/salient-frostwave/portfolio-3-columns-style-four/) without using the portfolios module? We want to create a "partners" page and keep our "portfolio" items separate.

    We tried just keeping "partners" as a different category and displaying that on a separate page however the item pages still shows in the URL (www.website/portfolio/item) and bottom navigation as "portfolio".

  •   Andrew replied privately
  •  9,105
    Tahir replied


    No i am afraid we dont have any other option to create a Grid. You can use the "External Project URL " Option in the Portfolio Item Metabox to link it to another url .


    ThemeNectar Support Team