  Public Ticket #694905
prettyPhoto "fullResImage" size question v2


  • Oliver started the conversation

    Hey guys! Had a question that I couldn't quite figure out. If you go to the link provided and scroll down to the BMW prints, the three images in the nectar slider render from their original large size (as seen in page inspector), but when clicked on to open prettyPhoto, the image it shows in this case is smaller than the original.

    Now I have the WP Retina 2x plugin and the image that prettyPhoto uses as "fullResImage" is one of its smaller resizes. My question for you, is whether there is a way to force prettyPhoto to display the original image, and not one of WP Retina 2x's smaller resizes? The problem being that an image can look great on retina, but when clicked and prettyPhoto is activated, since it uses a smaller image size, it doesn't look as sharp anymore.

    What I did notice though is that for a single image piece of content, once clicked, prettyPhoto opens and it renders the same exact image (i.e., if it's large, it will show the same large image). However for any nectar slider it seems to render a smaller size in prettyPhoto. 

    I would greatly appreciate any help in the matter, thanks!

  •   Oliver replied privately
  •  9,105
    Tahir replied

    Hey ,

    The Prettyphoto is taking in the Viewport Height therefore it cant get any bigger then this : http://prntscr.com/ac0c7f . Try switching over to Magnific Popup in Salient theme Options Panel  and Test. 


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Oliver replied

    Hmm, when I switch to Magnific in the Salient functionality settings, I see that images with animation switch to Magnific just fine, but any image galleries still only have the option for prettyPhoto on what to do when clicked (i.e., it doesn't switch to Magnific and/or offer both). I cleared my cache and what not, thinking maybe that would make it switch, so is that a normal thing? 

    Basically with prettyPhoto selected, but Magnific running site-wide, when clicked on that image gallery, it just takes you to the image link itself (like so), and strangely, it offers up that smaller image, the same one that prettyPhoto was showing (i.e., not the original full res image). 

    Also, why would prettyPhoto take a smaller sized image when displayed in the lightbox, while the page itself will deliver the higher res image on the page just fine? I know this has something to do with the WP Retina 2x plugin (since that's what created that smaller image to begin with), it's just that it ends up looking bad on retina displays. 

    Thanks again for your help!

  •  9,105
    Tahir replied

    Do you have the Auto lightbox Option turned on as well: http://prntscr.com/ac3krz ? .


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Oliver replied

    I didn't, but I turned it on and it still does the same thing for an image gallery (since there is only an option of prettyPhoto). I tried the custom link options by putting in the direct links to the three images, but weird thing is that these links then just take you to other random portfolio pages, not the image in a Magnific lightbox. Strange. 

  •  9,105
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    I am out of Ideas. Assigning the Ticket to the Developer so that he may add in a response. 


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Oliver replied

    No worries! I had a go myself of trying a few different things with the WP Retina 2X plugin but also was stumped. Would be cool to be able to force the lightbox to display a "retina" image for those devices (again, not sure if it's an issue with the plugin or the lightbox or both haha). 
