  Public Ticket #704202
how to make third button on nector slider flat


  • Stephanie started the conversation

    Im using this code in the caption section to use 3 buttons in nectar slider:

    [button color="accent-color" hover_text_color_override="#fff" size="large" url="#intro" text="About Us" color_override=""] [button color="extra-color-1" hover_text_color_override="#fff" size="large" url="http://jakewelchconstruction.com/tcg/our-work/" text="See Our Work" color_override=""] [button color="extra-color-2" hover_text_color_override="#fff" size="large" url="http://jakewelchconstruction.com/tcg/contact-us/" text="Contact Us" color_override=""]

    However, I need the buttons to be flat instead of 3d. I want them to look like the buttons on the other slides. How and where do I do this?

  •  9,102
    Tahir replied

    Hey ,

    Please use the Nectar Shortcode GUI : http://prntscr.com/afl1eq and create the new button shortcode. 


    ThemeNectar Support Team