  Public Ticket #726626
There's an extra 64px above my header


  • Jordan started the conversation

    There's an extra 64px above my header

    If I change the following:

    .admin-bar #header-outer[data-using-secondary="1"] { top: 64px }

    to the following:

    .admin-bar #header-outer[data-using-secondary="1"] { top: 33px }

    ....it resolves this issue, but I never made this change.

    But I don't want to manually edit something that should be already be there natively.

    I noticed the change after I added the social icons above the header. Then I changed my mind and removed it.

    It looks like the blank space above the header (64px) is the same amount of space that the social topbar was taking up.

    I've tried clearing my cache, using other broswers etc. and it still remains.

    Please let me know if you can spot the issue, thanks.

  •   Jordan replied privately
  •  9,102
    Tahir replied

    Hey ,

    Please remove the Secondary Header in here : http://prntscr.com/ap8nmm


    ThemeNectar Support Team