I've been able to resolve this with additional CSS, but I just wanted to point out that when "Permanent Transparent" is selected under Salient Options > Header Navigation > Transparency, there is some code being injected that adds "!important" CSS declarations to the #logo elem and the header navigation links. I think it's coming from these two lines:
#header-outer.transparent .midnightHeader.default
body #header-outer[data-permanent-transparent="1"] .midnightHeader header#top #logo.no-image
I personally don't think you should include any "!important" declarations, as it overwrote my nav font + hover selections from the Salient Options menu.
I've been able to resolve this with additional CSS, but I just wanted to point out that when "Permanent Transparent" is selected under Salient Options > Header Navigation > Transparency, there is some code being injected that adds "!important" CSS declarations to the #logo elem and the header navigation links. I think it's coming from these two lines:
#header-outer.transparent .midnightHeader.default
body #header-outer[data-permanent-transparent="1"] .midnightHeader header#top #logo.no-image
I personally don't think you should include any "!important" declarations, as it overwrote my nav font + hover selections from the Salient Options menu.