  Public Ticket #768648
Portfolio Grid - image links not showing in ltbox gallery


  •  1
    L started the conversation

    WP Version: 4.2.5

    Salient theme version: 7.0.8 (VC ver. 4.11.2)

    My site is currently being built as a one-page site, using a Home page and Page builder.  The first section of the site is a created row with a Nectar Portfolio element.

    The Theme's portfolio pages/collections are all set up and showing up properly on the main site page.  However, the desired portfolio action is to be able to click one of the masonry tiles and have a gallery pop-up with the pieces related to the title/collection.

    - Each portfolio collection is currenly being built w/page builder with it's own Nectar image gallery element.  However, none of the loaded images show in the gallery when pops up.  The only thing that shows in the gallery is the "featured image", which is also wrong, as the "Hide featured image from gallery" check box is also selected for each collection.  Please see all labeled screenshots attached.  

    I just want the gallery to pop-up with the collection of images loaded into the Nectar image gallery.  
    Do I need to build a true Nectar slider for each collection instead of using the pagebuilder and image gallery element in each portfolio section?

    Please help - out of solutions at this point.
    Thank you,


  • [deleted] replied

    I am having the same issue. My portfolio items are all set up. The "Gallery Only Example" page was used and is populated with all of my portfolio items which are all set up as galleries. The "Lightbox Only" slideshow option cycles through only the featured items photo and not the galleries associated with that item.

    If I uncheck "Lightbox Only", clicking on the portfolio items brings you to each project page which shows all of the photos in the galleries. That would be fine as well if I can make that a slideshow of some kind but I can't modify the portfolio item to do that either. I tried entering Nectar Slider shortcode into the portfolio item (above the gallery images), but it did nothing.


    Hopefully they respond to this ticket. The YouTube videos are pretty old and sparse.

    WP: 4.5.2

    Salient: 7.0.8

  •  9,099
    Tahir replied

    Hey ,
    I am afraid we dont have any such Option and would require custom work for the Portfolio Thumbnails to invoke a Lightbox Gallery of the images you added in the Single Portfolio Element.

    ThemeNectar Support Team