Hi I am try to add some content to the 'Link' Format meta in the wp post admin section and have found the content I need in /salient/nectar/meta/post-meta.php
'desc' => __('Please input the URL for your link. I.e. http://www.themenectar.com', NECTAR_THEME_NAME),
But when I add this to my child theme in 'salient-child/nectar/meta/post-meta.php' it doesn't overwrite it like the other files do. Any ideas?
Hi I am try to add some content to the 'Link' Format meta in the wp post admin section and have found the content I need in /salient/nectar/meta/post-meta.php
But when I add this to my child theme in 'salient-child/nectar/meta/post-meta.php' it doesn't overwrite it like the other files do. Any ideas?
Hey ,
This might help: http://themenectar.ticksy.com/ticket/260338/ .
ThemeNectar Support Team