  Public Ticket #776542
How can I activate Parallax and Animations on Mobile?


  • Sterling started the conversation

    My ol client saw a few of my latest client designs and demos and was asking me if he could have mobile parallax and animations so his site is more interesting on all the phone views. I'll agree this is like the only Amazingness that Salient doesn't offer in the standard options.  Since android browser mobile latest update is finally smooth mobile parallax friendly (like iOS has been for years) I think a key option to have in the theme, at least so your customers have option to decide if they want on or off (I know of course it slows load time a bit but well worth it to have that amazing WOW factor on mobile as well).  Plssss tell me there is a way I can do this?



  •  9,099
    Tahir replied

    Hey ,

    Its not possible at the Moment. Though have added it to the Wishlist for upcoming updates. 


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Sterling replied

    Yeah I think I asked this before and you guys said that... I truly can't believe that haven't been a Lot of other customers asking for this.  There is no 'life' on Salient mobile view, where as the desk/laptop style is In$ane!  I bought another theme copy for this client and my fault for not making sure the mobile view being 'flat' would be a key factor for them but it is, just really don't want to change themes at this point.  Any idea when that update might be released Tahir...?

    BIG thanks man #muchRespect! #ThemenectarROCKS!


  •  9,099
    Tahir replied

    Just pinged the Developer so that he can add in a response. 


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Sterling replied

    BIG THANKS THEMENECTAR ROCKER$!! truly one of my fav themes ever (desk/laptop view, functionality and style), but having mobile 'Life' is #1 for me and most my clients these days forward, truly mobile animations and parallax add the unique WOW interactive factor (and what 60% of site views are from phones now) especially now that androids latest browser update is finally smooth parallax friendly like iOS has been for years #winWIN  I know it slows load times a bit but to have the on/off options for $alient customers is priceless

  • Sterling replied

    Just wanted to checkin to see if any updates on this? pretty plsss Theme Nectar Fam!  Would SO take the mobile $alient experience to the next level for us all to have these options, and I'll def then be purchasing more copies/downloads as these features top fav these days

    #fingerscrossed THNKS!

  • Sterling replied

    Hey Guys, been waiting 3 Weeks.....?

  • Sterling replied

    Guess my support expired... still be priceless to offer your clients Mobile Parallax option!$