  Public Ticket #793804
Final tweaks


  • alexandre started the conversation

    Hello there,

    I have been tinkering with your theme for a while now and I am pretty happy with the results so far.

    I have managed to solve most of my issues by browsing the previous questions but for some things I just could not find a solution for.

    If you would be so kind, I will need help with the following:

    1 - I would like to keep the hover mode always on on the mobile versions. It is weird not having the projects names on iPads and phones. The solutions based on the code (min-width: 1000px) or variations of that won't work because most mobiles now have a huge pixel count. Any other solutions?

    Link to the issue - www.estudiolaborg.link

    2 - I would like to have the sidebar navigation only on mobiles, they are not needed on browser view. I stumbled on the same (min-width: 1000px) problem here.

    Link to the issue - www.estudiolaborg.link

    3 - I would like to change the font color on the project hover to black and background to orange. The 3rd item, the one with the smiling tree has the orange background already, changed it on the accent. But the font I just cannot get to change.

    Link to the issue - www.estudiolaborg.link (3rd project)


    4 - I'd like to change the social button colors to black, both inside the projects and in the sidebar menu. In this case posted below they are under the last text, not those from the footer.

    Link to the issue - http://www.estudiolaborg.link/portfolio/arvore-que-sente/


    5 - On the contacts page theres a piece of the background showing under the map that I just cannot eliminate. Any ideas?

    Link to the issue - http://www.estudiolaborg.link/contato-wp-page/


    6 - I'd like to change the font size only on the mobile header. Is it possible?


    I currently have these custom codes applied:

    .project-title {

    display: none!important;


    body #page-header-bg h1, body #page-header-bg .subheader {

    display: none!important;


    .nectar-slider-loading {

    background-color: #000!important;
    background-image: none!important;

    .portfolio-items h3 {
    color: #fff!important;


    .portfolio-items p {
    color: #fff!important;


    thanks for your time and keep up the good work, 


  •  9,099
    Tahir replied

    Hey ,
    Sorry for the Weekend Delay .
    1: Add this into the Custom CSS box located in your Salient Options panel (Make Sure there are no red cross in the Box) :

    @media only screen and (max-device-width: 1080px) {
        .portfolio-items .work-item.style-4 .bottom-meta {
            bottom: 0!important;

    2: Simply unselect the Off canvas option : http://prntscr.com/bg0ygr and it wont show on desktop .
    3:This seems like a bug have notified the developer .
    Add this into the Custom CSS box located in your Salient Options panel (Make Sure there are no red cross in the Box) :

    .portfolio-items .element[data-title-color="#000000"] .work-item.style-4 .bottom-meta h3 {
        color: #000 !important;
    .portfolio-items .element[data-subtitle-color="#0a0a0a"] .work-item.style-4 .bottom-meta p {
        color: #0a0a0a !important;

    4: Add this into the Custom CSS box located in your Salient Options panel (Make Sure there are no red cross in the Box) :

    .nectar-social i {
        color: #000 !important;
    .nectar-social > * {
        border-color: #000 !important;

    5 : Please set a Background color in the VC column option : http://prntscr.com/bg11bq .
    6: Please change the Off Canvas Menu Field in Salient Theme Options Panel -> Typography Section .

    ThemeNectar Support Team