  Public Ticket #793964
Bug in categorys


  • Jeanette started the conversation


    Concerning my page: www.mindfull-to-mindful.de

    I have in INSPIRATION (password: Was-wäre-wenn?) categories. But when I check the box for ("Achtsamkeit "for example) for an article and tag it with the same name, it does not show on the page that pops up.

    My developer says:

    [08.06.16 19:14:46] Nilesh M: When I review I found that issue
    [08.06.16 19:15:03] Nilesh M: Not sure why it is working on your other site
    [08.06.16 19:16:07] Nilesh M: There are some animation classes which are not functioning

    [08.06.16 19:14:46] Nilesh M: When I review I found that issue
    [08.06.16 19:15:03] Nilesh M: Not sure why it is working on your other site
    [08.06.16 19:16:07] Nilesh M: There are some animation classes which are not functioning

    On my other page (with the old theme Salient) it works just fine: www.mindset-strategie.de

    I´m not happy to pay someone to fix this because I especially bought the new theme so that I would not have problems.

    Can you please help. Thanks a lot


  •  9,099
    Tahir replied

    Hey ,

    Could you please update the Theme to the attached version 7.0.9 Beta 1 . Use the 2 Minute Update mentioned in this article to seamlessly update the Theme : https://themenectar.ticksy.com/article/3218/ . 

    Also we have various bug fixes made so if you would like to test the Theme for us we would highly appreciate it .

    Changelog for 7.0.9 Beta 1 :

    //Fixed fancy checkbox to work with remember me on woocommerce my account
    //Fixed image with animation Fade in From Bottom to load in right position on mobile
    //custom content exclude filter in functions.php listens to posts per page in wp admin so therefore misses anything after the default 10
    //Fixed iframe embeds in Nectar Slider to size correctly on load
    //Fixed image gallery to be able to use ext URLs
    //Fixed retina logo issues where no logo would display on Safari/iOS if retina version wasn't set
    //Fixed header nav button style to have correct color on dark nectar slides/dark row with permeneant transparent
    //Fixed IE9 compatibility with masony blog element + other various display issues
    //Fixed sticky page submenu to work when using permenant transparent header + hide header until needed options
    //Fixed Safari hover 1px jump for portfolio "Title overlaid w/ zoom effect on hover" style
    //Fixed portfolio parallax style to allow custom thumbnail correctly
    //Added google structured data author fn support to fullscreen post header
    //Fixed share count javascript error
    //Fixed masonry portfolio to work when not using any regular sized items
    //Fixed options panel glitch that hides social icon checkboxes in header navigation section when loading page
    //Addded support for Ultimate VC addons modal box iframe element
    //Fixed blog infinite scroll loading message to stay directly after blog element and not go to bottom of page when other elements are used after the blog element
    //Fixed blog classic enhanced large featured size on non fullwidth masonry layouts
    //Fixed "Disable Transparency From Navigation"option to work on page header when using video BG
    //Added option to remove theme lightbox script all together

    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Jeanette replied

    Hey, thank you but that does not help me as it will destroy the work my developer has done on the page. he customised some stuff.

  •  9,099
    Tahir replied

    Hey ,
    This might help: https://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/upgrade-wordpress-themes-even-if-they-are-customized/ .

    ThemeNectar Support Team