On the mobile version of my website, we want to be able to change the order which the content shows up. So at the moment we have the accordion menu and other widgets appearing first then content. We want to be able to switch the order of the two.
I dont see this possible at the moment without custom work. Please consider hiring a freelancer over at Envato Studio for these Theme customizations as they are not provided as Support: http://themeforest.net/page/item_support_policy .
On the mobile version of my website, we want to be able to change the order which the content shows up. So at the moment we have the accordion menu and other widgets appearing first then content. We want to be able to switch the order of the two.
Hey ,
I dont see this possible at the moment without custom work. Please consider hiring a freelancer over at Envato Studio for these Theme customizations as they are not provided as Support: http://themeforest.net/page/item_support_policy .
ThemeNectar Support Team