  Public Ticket #820965
Remove caption transition in Nectar Slider


  • Shiv started the conversation


    How can I remove caption transition(animation) from Nectar slider? I want to make the text on slide completely static

    I have already tried to add extra classes 'caption-no-fade' and 'static' to each slide but it is not work

    Please, help:)

    Thank you!

  •  9,079
    Tahir replied

    Hey ,

    I am afraid we dont have any such option to make it static for all slides and would require custom work .


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • [deleted] replied

    Apologies for adding onto someone else's ticket. Is there *any* way to remove the animation (heading, caption or button) on either each slide or globally? I can't figure this at all.   I just want the text to be static, no fade in, no animation - so that when it moves to the next slide the text/buttons appear to be completely static.

  •  9,079
    Tahir replied

    Hey ,

    Please see User-Guide Section 9.2 : http://prntscr.com/br89ei


    ThemeNectar Support Team