Strange thing going on with my single WC products pages. First, when the page resolves, there's a strange delay as the header resolves and the rest of the page becomes visible. Secondly, there's a problem with the social sharing links on the same page. When I hover over the sharing link on the top right, it disappears and I would expect the links to the specific social networks to appear, but they do not. Could you please take a look and advise.
Guys -
Strange thing going on with my single WC products pages. First, when the page resolves, there's a strange delay as the header resolves and the rest of the page becomes visible. Secondly, there's a problem with the social sharing links on the same page. When I hover over the sharing link on the top right, it disappears and I would expect the links to the specific social networks to appear, but they do not. Could you please take a look and advise.
Hey ,
The password doesnt seem to work . Also make sure you have to Social Sharing links enabled in Salient Theme Options Panel -> Blog Section .
ThemeNectar Support Team
Social links are enabled within Salient Theme Options Panel -> Blog Section
try the pw again but capitalize the first letter
Hey ,
See Console errors : and link : . Please resolve these issues .
ThemeNectar Support Team