  Public Ticket #839469
Image Gallery caption text responsiveness problem


  • Andrew started the conversation


    Thanks for the great plugin.  Two weeks ago I migrated from Dreamweaver to Wordpress principally to use your plugin.  So I am new to WP and your theme.  I have a problem with an image gallery on my test page (see link) with the responsiveness of caption and title text on thumbs.  The text appears fine in computer, or tablet horizontal view, but when I close the browser down to tablet vertical or cell phone view, the text is no longer centered over the thumbnail image but is either off completely to the right or half-in half-out on the right.  The graying out pre-hover also stops working for the 2 smaller sizes.  I have searched all over for an answer, but can't find it.

    Gallery Type: image grid

    Image size: 150X93

    Gallery Style: Title overlaid w/ zoom effect on hover  (if I use "Meta from bottom on hover + entire thumb link" the color box is twice as wide as the thumb)

    PhP ver: 5.6
    Salient ver: 7.0.9
    WP ver: 4.5.3

    Thank you in advance for your time and help.


    P.S. Is this the appropriate forum for this kind of problem?

  •  9,099
    Tahir replied

    Hey ,

    Please adjust the Font size and LIne-height in Salient Theme Options -> Typography Section . Specifically the "Header 3" Field as that controls the Image Gallery title . 


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Andrew replied


    Unfortunately that does not resolve the problem.  That changes the size of the text, (or the leading or the line height) but does not resolve the problem.

    It is as if, in small screens, the thumbnails are left justified while the text is centered, in a div or cell twice as wide as the thumbnail image.  The result is that the text spills off the right side of the image and is unreadable.  Please view the example page (http://cademaconstrucoes.com.br/WPsite2016/test/andrew-test ) in a small device and you'll see what's going on.


  •  9,099
    Tahir replied

    Hey ,

    Please see: https://themenectar.ticksy.com/article/6225/ and import the Typography section settings so its like the Theme demo.

    Also see Image Sizing Instruction in the User-guide : http://themenectar.com/docs/salient.pdf


    ThemeNectar Support Team