  Public Ticket #873884
Home Slider


  •  2
    Jean-Marie started the conversation


    I don't understand the difference between NEctar Slider and Home Slider ? Home slider is a special Nectar slider ?

    But if I can create Nectar slider, I'can't show the home slider when site begin.


  •  3,082
    Andrew replied

    Hi Jean-Marie,

    I hope you are having an awesome day and thanks for contacting us regarding your query.

    Both of the included sliders work the same way for managing slides except the Nectar slider is a lot more powerful. 

    As of version 2.0, the home slider is only sticking around to give you the option of using an alternative style & giving you a quicker option if you don't need the power. 

    1. Home slider - Allows for a quick slider to be automatically placed at the top of the home page (as long as a home template is selected in the page attributes box). 

    2.Nectar Slider - Offers most options of the home slider plus options for video backgrounds, Can be instanced an unlimited number of times with various locations, hardware accelerated, touch-friendly, configuration options for pagination & arrows. 

    For detailed guides on using both of these sliders please refer to video tutorial series in the link below

    Please let me know if there are any more questions that I may answer for you :)


  •  2
    Jean-Marie replied

    Hi Andrew,

    Thank's for yours comments. I've work on Salient theme all this WE, and I've found himself this difference. I should must work more hard before to ask question: I've find that Home slider is call by "modèle de page". So, it's great.



  •  3,082
    Andrew replied

    Hi Jean-Marie,

    Thanks for getting back to me.

    I'm glad you found the difference.

    No problem at all, I'm happy to help.

    I will close this ticket but please feel free to get back in touch if you have any other questions :)