  Public Ticket #874101
Zoom on picture


  •  2
    Jean-Marie started the conversation


    How do you make to create a slow zoom effect on a picture as in your demo (see URL or file joined).
    Is it in the NEctar Slider option ?



  •  3,082
    Andrew replied

    Hi Jean-Marie,

    I hope you are having an awesome day and thanks for contacting us regarding your query.

    This effect known as the Ken Burns BG effect is enabled by default for rows which is outlined in the screencast below. 


    Please let me know if there are any more questions that I may answer for you :)


  •  2
    Jean-Marie replied

    Hi Andrew,

    Thank's again for this new comment... and as for the precedent about Home slider, I find myself how to have this effect. But, in reality, I can't have because I've didn't install tne new version 7.0 of Salient. About that, how can we know the version number of the theme salient in the WP admin ? But, it's "funny" because, I had the last old version, and I've not message to change to new version !


  •  3,082
    Andrew replied

    Hi Jean-Marie,

    Thanks for the question.

    To check the current version of your theme, you need to visit "wp-admin > Appearance > Themes".  On this page, you should see Salient theme; just hover over it and click the Theme Details button. I've attached some screenshots for your reference.

    If you want to get a notification when an update is available, you can always open ThemeForest downloads area and then enable the Get notified by email if this item is updated option.

    I hope this helps. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask me again :) 

  •  2
    Jean-Marie replied

    Hi Andrew,

    Arghhh ! I've gone one dozen time on this page admin, and never remarked that. 

    So, thank's very much.
