Hi, I am trying to find any documentation on how to use the theme. For example, documentation for the Page builder elements. Where would I find that documentation and tutorials? Thank you.
We dont have specific Page Builder Elements Instructions at the moment as they are self Explanatory . We would suggest importing the Demo Content that best suits your needs and then add in your content to the existing demo pages.
Hi, I am trying to find any documentation on how to use the theme. For example, documentation for the Page builder elements. Where would I find that documentation and tutorials? Thank you.
Hey Bryan,
We dont have specific Page Builder Elements Instructions at the moment as they are self Explanatory . We would suggest importing the Demo Content that best suits your needs and then add in your content to the existing demo pages.
For Specifics you can find the userguide: http://themenectar.com/docs/salient.pdf and our youtube channel: www.youtube.com/user/ThemeNectar/videos
ThemeNectar Support Team