Is it possible to play audio using the lightbox effect within the Salient theme? Basically, the portfolio images would act as play buttons. I know this is most likely asking something far out of context, so let me know if it is not doable. If not, would you have any pointers to who I could go to for help?
Thank you VERY much Tahir! That worked! I pasted the iFrame soundcloud code into the "embedded code" section at the bottom of the portfolio item page and set the portfolio row as "lightbox only".
Is it possible to play audio using the lightbox effect within the Salient theme? Basically, the portfolio images would act as play buttons. I know this is most likely asking something far out of context, so let me know if it is not doable. If not, would you have any pointers to who I could go to for help?
Thank you.
Hey ,
Try adding SoundCloud Iframe Code and i believe it should show it up in ligthbox as it supports iframes.
ThemeNectar Support Team
Thank you VERY much Tahir! That worked! I pasted the iFrame soundcloud code into the "embedded code" section at the bottom of the portfolio item page and set the portfolio row as "lightbox only".