Hi! I guess you guys know which plugins works best with your theme so I thought I just ask about which plugins I should use for
Lazy Loading
I know that there are some elements that support lazy loading like portfolio and blog but I would love to have a lazy loading feature for the whole site. E.g. some blogposts of mine are quite full of images and none of them are shown above the fold but already loaded.
Also the recommended settings for those plugins would be great to know. I've been using WP Better Minify but deactivated it because it was causing some problems.
I think it wont work for all of the content though if you can find a plugin that has options to set lazy loading on a few elements like single images etc it could add in to improve the page speed.
We are making Speed Optimizations with all new updates so you will see improvements in near future .
Hi! I guess you guys know which plugins works best with your theme so I thought I just ask about which plugins I should use for
I know that there are some elements that support lazy loading like portfolio and blog but I would love to have a lazy loading feature for the whole site. E.g. some blogposts of mine are quite full of images and none of them are shown above the fold but already loaded.
Also the recommended settings for those plugins would be great to know. I've been using WP Better Minify but deactivated it because it was causing some problems.
Hey ,
bwp-minify is what we use and there's not much work you have to do. The only thing you'll need to do is remove font awesome from the minification
but all of the JS will work by default
Also for caching use W3Total Cache.
ThemeNectar Support Team
Hey, thank you for the reply. What about a lazy loading plugin?
Hey Again,
I think it wont work for all of the content though if you can find a plugin that has options to set lazy loading on a few elements like single images etc it could add in to improve the page speed.
We are making Speed Optimizations with all new updates so you will see improvements in near future
ThemeNectar Support Team