  Public Ticket #948790
Salient VC stopped working after WP update, no access to update


  •  2
    Ashwin started the conversation

    Hi, thanks for the help.

    So the issue is quite simply that our Salient Visual Composer stopped working recently - content still there, just on the backend. I deactivated all non-Salient plugins to check for conflicts and still had the same issue, also searched around in forums and found that it probably just needs to be updated as we’re running 4.10 still. 

    The real problem is that I migrated the site for my client from an agency, they bought it and released the license key and purchase codes, etc to us, but no access to ThemeForest. Is there any way for us to get the update to happen automatically based on our license key/purchase codes?

    Thanks for any help.

    P.S. May or may not be related, but I can’t get Sidebars to actually show up on pages even when the template says Sidebar. I believe it’s related to the update but not sure.

  •  9,096
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    Yes , Please use the Envato Market Plugin: http://themenectar.com/docs/salient/updating-salient/ .


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •  2
    Ashwin replied

    Thanks! All sorted now.