  Public Ticket #966672


  •  2
    Deborah started the conversation

    Hi There, 

    I'm having some problems with the off canvas menu. I don't want the primary navigation to show, just the off canvas menu. Also, in the off canvas menu, its repeating the menu items twice and I'm not sure why. 

    Please can you look into this urgently. 



  •  9,087
    Tahir replied

    Hey Deborah , 

    1: You need to turn off the Inherit Mobile menu Option : 

    2: Then goto Appearance -> Menu -> Menu Locations and unselect the Top Navigation and select the Off Canvas :

    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •  2
    Deborah replied

    Thank you for your quick response, that seems to work.

    However I now need the menu bar to be transparent and that doesn't seem to be working .

  •  3,072
    Andrew replied

    Hi Deborah,

    Thanks for keeping in touch with us. 

    Just to ensure, did you enable transparency? 

    You'll need to go to Header Navigation settings as shown in Tahir's response, then go to Transparency > Use Transparent Header When Applicable? (Turn this on) > Save Changes.

    Please let me know how that turns out.

    Kind Regards.

  •  2
    Deborah replied

    Hi there, a couple of things nav related:

    How can I change the opacity of the nav menu? 

    How do I change the hover color?

    How do I change the color of the burger menu, as well as make it bigger like in the demo?



  •  3,072
    Andrew replied

    Hi Deborah,

    1) About changing the opacity of the menu, have you tried the option at salient \ header navigation - logo and general styling - header BG opacity. That should control the opacity of the header area.

    2) For the hover color on the menu items you can change it at salient \ header navigation - logo and general styling - set header color scheme to custom then set the hover color on header font hover option.

    3) About the burger menu, that menu is just like any other menu item and will obey the settings on header color scheme on 2) above.

    To increase it's size please use this CSS in custom css code:

    .slide-out-widget-area-toggle a > span {
        transform: scale(1.5,1.5);

    Hope this helps.

  •  2
    Deborah replied

    Hi Andrew, 

    1. I only want to change the opacity of the menu and not the whole header area. How would I do this?

    2. I've selected all those options but its still not changing. 

    3. Thanks that worked. 

  •  3,072
    Andrew replied

    Hi Deborah,

    1) Opacity of the menu only, you can use the following CSS for that:


    2) For the hover color, could we have temporary admin access so that we can verify this. It works on our end.


  •  2
    Deborah replied

    Thank you that worked. I apologise for the continual thread, however I don't know how to begin a new one. 

    1. Is there a way to vertical centre the off canvas menu items ?

    2. Is there a way to have content sit at the bottom of a row? For instance on this page, http://communicare.wpsaworkshop.co.za/people/, we would like the icon (the board) and text sit at the bottom of the screen rather than in the middle. I have tried all sorts of CSS and cannot seem to get this right with Visual Composer, can you advise?

  •  3,072
    Andrew replied

    Hi Deborah,

    1) To vertically align the menu items for now is not very possible with CSS. Please try this alternative:

    #slide-out-widget-area .inner > div:first-of-type {
        margin-top: 50%;

    2) About having content sit at the bottom of VC row, could try and set a more margin on the top inside the column settings i.e. column settings - margin top and if that does not work add more padding to the top of the row in the row settings i.e. row settings - padding top.

    Hope this helps.

  •  2
    Deborah replied

    How would this effect the responsive though? if I add margins and paddings, surely that would throw out the responsive view? 

  •  3,072
    Andrew replied

    Hi Deborah,

    The content of the row and column will still be at the bottom area. The space created by the padding and margin on the top will still be around on different views.

    Please try this and let us know how it goes.

  •  2
    Deborah replied

    Hi, for some reason it won't let me create a new ticket. 

    I need to remove the column % for all columns, and all padding/margins for responsive, however, I cannot seem to target the correct CSS. 

  •  3,072
    Andrew replied

    Hi Deborah,

    Apologies for the late reply.

    The theme does not really have a setting that would make all those changes you want.

    What you will need to do is make sure that the margins and padding settings on the visual composer row and column elements are set to 0.

    If that is not enough for you then you could provide a link and description of where the margin and paddings are and we would try and use some CSS to remove this.

    Please note that this might open up issues with responsiveness.