  Public Ticket #987053
images in a row


  •  2
    ilovesalient started the conversation


    I wrote about it on the themeforest theme page, in a comment.

    and I have additional questions:


    On home page, http://www.plusbonus.pl, we would like to have 6 images, in two rows, the images should have no margins between  them. I tired setting it up, to achieve this result, but for somereason the margins still show up.

    sorry for the trouble, could you have a look?


    on home page I tried to have 6 images, in two rows. each row containing 3 images. The same size. I used “image gallery” tool, but even when I use “masonry grid”, the images have padding between them. It is the second row of images on the home page. Tomorrow I will add the second line of images, to have 6 images in total. How to have the images, without the padding between them? just 6 images, in two rows, 3 columns, no margins


    login:  iLoveGrain

    password:  5JzNyk0bQjHEqim

    2. Footer

    how to control the margins:

    the left and right margins of the widgetized footer

    the top and bottom margins of the widgetized footer

    You sent me the code which helped me control the top margin of the widgetized footer, thank you :)

    how to control the bottom of the widgetized footer?

    I would like to remove the emoty space in the footer that appears below the logo

    3. The images, like logotype in the footer, the one in the centre. how to make it sharp on retina screens? mac computers?

    Thank you :)

    Be well


  •  9,092
    Tahir replied

    Hey B,

    Add this into the Custom CSS box located in your Salient Options panel (Make Sure there are no red cross in the Box) :

    /* make gallery image 3 in row  */
    body.home .wpb_gallery_slidesimage_grid .portfolio-items.constrain-max-cols.no-masonry .col.elastic-portfolio-item {
        width: 33% !important;

    I see you got the footer margins sorted: 

    As for the Image, Try adding double size image and set max-width:50% on the image via css. 


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •  2
    ilovesalient replied


    Thanks so much for your message and help. I really appreciate it. I will need your attention a bit more. Things are not finished yet. And the client is really difficult.

    1. The images on home page. it still does not work.

    There is a margin between the images and the end of the screen. I am attaching a screenshot.

    I just need the images to span from one end of the screen to the next, three images in each row. (you will see that, wne an image begins on the left, or ends on the right, there is white space and then grey space. 

    2. How to do it? I added a bigger image, but there is no option to set the width of the image. Culd you supply the code? where to put it?

    3. The footer. Well, it is not done yet. I am attaching a screenshot. The margin of the bottom of the widgetized footer is big, and I cannot change it

    4. Icons on contact page. is it possible to link the icons to specific urls?

    I am attaching a screenshot, of which icons I am talking about. (youtube, instagram, pinterest, facebook)


    here is the code for the button

    <p style="text-align: center;">[icon size="large" image="icon-youtube" color="Accent-Color"]</p>

    Thanks a lot


  •  9,092
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    The user pass you have provided is not working. Please confirm . 

    1: You seem to have custom css added that is limiting the width of that portfolio Row . Please remove it . 

    Add this into the Custom CSS box located in your Salient Options panel (Make Sure there are no red cross in the Box) :

    /* the correct value is 33.33 */
    @media only screen and (min-width: 1100px) {
        body.home .wpb_gallery_slidesimage_grid .portfolio-items.constrain-max-cols.no-masonry .col.elastic-portfolio-item {
            width: 33.33% !important;

    2 &3: Add this into the Custom CSS box located in your Salient Options panel (Make Sure there are no red cross in the Box) :

    /* remove space below img footer */
    #footer-outer .widget {
        margin-bottom: 0px !important;
    /* reduce the image width in footer */
    div#text-3 img {
        max-width: 25% !important;

    4: Simply wrap the Icon shortcode in a Anchor tag using the link button in TinyMCe: 


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •   ilovesalient replied privately
  •  9,092
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,


    2: Add the links in here 

    3: Add this into the Custom CSS box located in your Salient Options panel (Make Sure there are no red cross in the Box) :

    /* center the Copyright div */
    #copyright .col.span_5 {
        width: 100% !important;


    ThemeNectar Support Team