  Public Ticket #1138972
Nectar Slider Options


  • iTelStudios started the conversation

    It appears that the options for setting up a nectar slider aren't appearing correctly. Looking at the Link Type, and Slide Content Alignment options, items are either not showing at all, or they are appearing very skewed and don't look normal. Is this a known issue? This happens to me on both a PC and a MAC, so it's not isolated to one machine.

    I have included an attachment for reference on what I'm seeing.

  •  3,068
    Andrew replied

    Hi there,

    Thanks for contacting us regarding your query.

    Are you currently using the latest version of the Salient Theme version 8.0.1 and have you renamed the child theme for the Salient Theme?

    I look forward to your reply. 


  • iTelStudios replied

    Hello Andrew. 

    Thanks for your quick reply.

    I am now using the newest version of Salient Theme, 8.0.15 according to the Envato Market plugin that I used to update it. The child theme has not been renamed - is this something I should do? 

    After the update, I'm still experiencing the same issues before.


  •  9,079
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    Have you had a chance to go through this checklist quickly so we can rule out common issues :1 |  Troubleshooting the Salient Theme (Website not working correctly) ? 


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • iTelStudios replied

    Thanks, Tahir. After deactivating all my plugins and activating them one-by-one, I was able to pinpoint that it was the Yoast SEO plugin that was causing the issue. I can't seem to report the issue to them however because I'm only using the free account, and it appears I would need the premium paid account to be allowed to submit anything to their support team.

    In any case, I was able to work around it and make the changes before I re-activated the Yoast plugin.

    Thanks for your help!

  •  1
    kallebystrom replied

    Hello iTelStudios,

    I had the same issue and found what I think is the solution until the Salient Visual Composer is updated. Try the following:

    Look into the file class-vc-vendor-yoast_seo.php in "wp-content\plugins\js_composer_salient\include\classes\vendors\plugins".

    On row 67, you find this:

    wp_enqueue_script( 'vc_vendor_yoast_js', vc_asset_url( 'js/vendors/yoast.js' ), array( 'yoast-seo-post-scraper' ), WPB_VC_VERSION, true );

    Put above row inside an if-statement like this:

    if ( wp_script_is( 'yoast-seo-post-scraper' ) ) {

    wp_enqueue_script( 'vc_vendor_yoast_js', vc_asset_url( 'js/vendors/yoast.js' ), array( 'yoast-seo-post-scraper' ), WPB_VC_VERSION, true );

    After that, the issue is gone for me.

  • hypeio replied

    Wow! Thanks a lot! I have been struggling with this for a while and could not find where it was coming from... 

  •  1
    kallebystrom replied

    Glad to help. Have a good one!