  Public Ticket #189313
Portfolio Items in a Lightbox-Slider


  •  5
    Philipp started the conversation

    Hi :-)

    First of all, I am quite new to this theme but I am already loving it since the first day.

    While I am now trying to set up everything (http://www.philippbenedikt.com/) and I want to achieve something like a one-page-layout in the end, I got stuck on some problems during this \"mission\".

    Before I keep going, I also wanted to point out, that I already asked a similar questions within another old ticket. (I wasn\'t just sure if I probably need a new ticket to get attention):


    Making a long story short, I wanted to ask:

    Is there any chance to open a lightbox of all included media files within one portfolio item?

    For example: Portfolio Item 1 includes 5 additional photos.

    If I click on the Portfolio Item 1, is there any chance that the included media files open in a lightbox and not a separate page?

    Something like on my old website would be amazing:


    ...when selecting a gallery portfolio item, a lightbox slider opens to scroll through the additional items/photos/... and when not needed anymore, you can simply close it and you are back where you started :)

    Sounds quite easy...but I still couldn\'t figure out how to achieve something like this through this amazing theme.

    Hope you can somehow help me here as I already saw someone having a similar request a while ago:


    Thank you very much.

    All the best,


  •  9,096
    Tahir replied

    Hey Philip!

    I have added your requests to the wishlist. However what you need is not possible at the moment with the theme. 


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •  5
    Philipp replied

    Thanks for coming back to me! So if you say wishlist, is there any chance for something like this within the next larger update?

    I am sure a lot of other photographers (and not only them) will benefit from a feature like that.

    Thanks again!

    All the best,


  •  9,096
    Tahir replied

    Hey Philipp!

    I have flagged the ticket so the author can give his response. 


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •  5
    Philipp replied


  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Philipp!

    I have added this onto the wishlist where it will eventually make its way into the theme if more people request the feature :)

    The theme currently creates a gallery based on all of the items on the main page so changing the functionality of that and have separate lightbox galleries for each item would mean custom development & pulling additional images in which are currently not on that page to populate the gallery. If you're looking to get this right now, I would consider checking out Envato studio as i'm sure a developer there could asisst with this mod :)


  •  5
    Philipp replied

    Thanks for another quick reply concerning this topic :-)

    I just did some quick research and found some other topics (a while ago) asking for the same feature:



    Beside that...I am sure that others would love a feature like that as well :-)

    Also thanks for the hint towards Envato Studio. Lets see what time brings and meanwhile I will try to setup the rest of my website.

    Thanks again.

  •  1
    Ryan replied

    I\'ve been using this theme since v2.5 and have wanted it since then. I even put in a ticket in for it a while ago. If this can be added it would be amazing. I think anyone that wants to display more than one picture per project would love this setup. Being able to only show a featured thumbnail and then have it open a lightbox with other related images makes the most sense for a portfolio. Almost every profession I can think of that needs a portfolio would benefit from this. I\'ve seen many similar requests in the past since I am always on the lookout to see if it\'s been added. Please, please, please add this functionality!!! Thanks!

  •  5
    Philipp replied

    I 100% share your thoughts Ryan :-)

  • jeroen replied

    That would be a nice feature indeed! +1

    (I suppose you can add multiple Featured Images which will be used by Lightbox. )

  •  5
    Philipp replied

    Here is one of the best examples how this could look like:


    ...when selecting a gallery portfolio item, a lightbox slider opens to scroll through the additional items/photos/... and when not needed anymore, you can simply close it and you are back where you started :)

    Don\'t get me wrong...I totally love Salient, but that\'s THE ONE option I am missing since I switched from my last theme.

    That being said, a feature like this would also eliminate portfolio loading issues (with a high number of items loading) like the one I am mentioning here:


    Philipp :-)

  • jeroen replied

    Yes Philipp that looks nice, but I prefer the \"back to gallery\" or a big \"X\" to be visible all the time, which is not the case with your example when you slide through the images. I prefer the traditional Lightbox style but then with sliding images, and/or clickable thumbnails.

  • Todd replied

    This would be a great feature to have... especially for sports photographers using the theme to show off their game image galleries.

  •   Philipp replied privately
  • Cameron replied

    I\'m looking for this feature as well. Click on a portfolio image and open a lightbox that has all the images from that portfolio page as thumbnails to click through.

  •  5
    Philipp replied

    Guess there are way more people than in this topic who would love such a feature :-)

  • jeroen replied

    Sure. Anyone wants this, especially when you\'re using the Lightbox-Only-option but it could be implemented on single pages as well.

    Too bad there\'s no development roadmap and/or voting system regarding upcoming features.

  •  5
    Philipp replied

    Yey :-/

    Let\'s wait and see what the developers say about this issue :-)

  • Adam replied

    Count me in, it would be ideal for the site Im working on.

  • jeroen replied


    I\'m no real coder but I tested a way to code it and it works:

    I\'m using MultiPostThumbnails and that way you can select multiple Featured Images. I added these links/URLs of the extra portfolio Featured Images as variables to each portfolio item on the portfolio page. Lightbox reads/uses this information to show the images the way I want. Adding a slider is just a matter of time to implement it. However, it\'s quite a hassle for me to come up with a good solution for everybody because you have to take care of all portfolio styles and options, etc. And besides, there may be better ways to do it.


  •  1
    Ryan replied

    I know this was added to the \"wishlist\" a while ago. Any possibility this made it on to the actual road map yet? I\'m still anxiously awaiting this feature and it seems like many other people are as well. Tahir? Support? Any updates on this would be greatly appreciated.

  •  5
    Philipp replied

    if anyone is good with coding, I got the source code from my last theme where this was implemented :-)

    Check it out here:


    Lovely gallery interface with tons of options :)

  • jeroen replied

    There should be a good distinction between \"go to the next portfolio item\" and \"go to the next image of the same portfolio item\". \"Back to gallery\" could be added but that\'s basically a close button. I prefer the traditional \"X\". To make it clear I think using arrows is the best/traditional way for navigating through portfolio items. You could use bullets or thumbnails for sliding through images within the same portfolio item. You could use a different type of arrow for this as well, but it shouldn\'t be confusing.

  • jeroen replied

    If you also add comments to the lightbox then it\'s almost heaven. Then it\'s superior to the single pages in many ways except for: friendly urls, and the lack of content. But the way you can overview and navigate through the portfolio is way better

  • jeroen replied

    Looks like Salient\'s Lightbox already supports thumbnails inside Lightbox*. If these thumbs only show the extra photos of the same portfolio item, and if a slider-effect is added when pressing a thumb, then it\'s pretty neat. The classic arrows can still navigate through the portfolio items as expected. The thumbs could be activated right now but then it will show all available portfolio thumbs, and not just the extra images of the current portfolio item.

    * http://www.lindabrothwell.com/shop/splitter-necklace/

    Attached, the improved version I described above.

  •  5
    Philipp replied

    More and more people joining this conversation, I would love to hear some thoughts or the opinion of someone from the development team about this specific topic :-)

  •  1
    Ryan replied

    I\'m surprised we haven\'t heard anything yet given the amount of interest there is. Has anyone found a way to make this work with a plugin or custom mod?

  •  5
    Philipp replied

    Not really...

    I just know that I am still having massive problems with my whole portfolio section.

    Update after update...nothing changes here for those who want to stick with the one-pager option and don\'t want to load a separate page of each portfolio item to afterwards show more about it :-/

    So at this point, I am still trying to find a perfect workaround. (till then, I guess I have to work with what I got)

    Right now for example, I am struggling with the following:

    When you open the main portfolio page at its current state, an overview of my portfolio items loads (I made an own \"Overview\" portfolio category to specifically show those items first - to keep the load rate at a minimum):


    After that, you can ONLY see the categories in the category filter which are currently represented in this overview.

    ...but the worst part:

    If you now for example go to my video section through the filter, there is only ONE video shown (the one I selected to be in the overview category as well). While it somehow makes sense, there is no way to load more items of this category because for whatever reason the scrolling-down-thing (which should load more) doesn\'t work.

    So instead of showing the rest of the videos, it looks like there would only be one available (even if there is not).

    The only way to show more would be to jump to the \"All\" filter category and keep scrolling down until this whole infinite scroll pagination thing shows up the rest of the videos.

    Why so complicated with the \"Overview\" category and not just load all portfolio items at the beginning at once?

    Because the way the theme works right now, it doesn\'t handle the amount of portfolio items.

    So the only real solution I see to this problem:

    Please give us a possibility to combine portfolio items (with the same topic) into one. And after the selection, open a lightbox of all the included elements.

    Again: It would not only save a lot of loading time but also look so much nicer and more organized!

    Still the best example of how it could work for all those who want to stay with the one-pager option:


  •  2
    Laith replied

    +1 for 1+ thumbs for each portfolio item

  • Mike replied

    Anything further on this. I'm having this exact same issue at the moment with our portfolio. 

    And i would love the option of having lightbox images not scale. 

  •  5
    Philipp replied

    Not really. I am still trying to reach out to the developers :-(

  • jeroen replied

    I still can't find a plugin that has this functionality, I've however found one that has the possibility to show more portfolio items on the same page but it's not quite the same.





    This isn't bad either:


    -> Go to Portfolio