  Public Ticket #641296
Column Animation Issue (Desktop)


  • Jeremy started the conversation


    I'm having an issue with "Column Animations", as the parameter for the page builder column. When i was searching to see if any other Salient users had the issue, I can see that its similar to another issue reported that got patched around version 6.X, however, my issue is desktop not mobile as per these previous issues.



    It appears after these issues, column animation was entirely disabled on mobile with opacity 1 forced, and that you guys are considering reevaluating this in the future. However, in my case its different and affects desktop.

    In my issue, Column animation only triggers once I scroll the page slightly. If you dont move the page, column animations will never trigger and the content appears empty as per the issues reported previously. Further, column animation was working fine in the past, this issue has only started happening since I updated Salient to a newer version (or perhaps changed something else).

    On my site, a page that I built in the past still works fine, yet all new attempts I have at column animation have this bug. Its not impossible that something like page header is the cause of it, I have not gone through and isolated 1 by 1 to try and find the issue yet.

    Is there any javascript failsafe I could just add so that I dont have to scroll the page and the issue is fixed? Here are two test cases I've uploaded for you to a 'demo' location, this is not a live website yet.

    http://gravitymarketing.com.au/boutiqueav4/contact/ (3 column animations here works fine)

    http://gravitymarketing.com.au/boutiqueav4/test/ (column animations do not work/trigger until the page is scrolled down slightly).

    Thanks for your time in looking at this issue.

  •  9,079
    Tahir replied

    Hey ,

    Please update the Theme to 7.0.2 which has many Bug Fixes and New Features , See changelog : http://themenectar.com/changelogs/salient.html
    Update the theme by following this guide: https://themenectar.ticksy.com/article/3218/ . Also see Visual Composer update instructions in here: https://themenectar.ticksy.com/article/5182/

    ThemeNectar Support Team