  Public Ticket #655041
parallax background don't work


  • marcello started the conversation

    when i activate parallax backgroud i can add image....

    now i can move that! but....moving don't work and i can't delete image insert in the 5 layers!

    what to do?

  • marcello replied

    the icon is code removed?

    *update -i try to update visual composer but nothing

    *update -i try clean installation without plugin but error still

    *update -i find if we activate full screen image of parallax layer disapper, maybe some incompatibility with this new feature?

    *update -i try all is a visual composer bug ?

  •  9,097
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    Could you try testing for a plugin conflict. You can do this by deactivating all third party plugins, and seeing if the problem remains. If it’s fixed, you’ll know a plugin caused the problem, and you can narrow down which one by reactivating them one at a time. .


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • marcello replied

    i deactivate all plugin ! :(

  • marcello replied

    i confirm, with only visual composer activated the bug appear...

    maybe something wrong in theme installation?i try to reinstall also theme

  •  9,097
    Tahir replied


    We just released Salient 7.0.5 which has the VC 4.9.2 update as well which would fix all pending VC issues, See changelog : http://themenectar.com/changelogs/salient.html .

    Update the theme by following this guide: https://themenectar.ticksy.com/article/3218/ . Also see Visual Composer update instructions in here: https://themenectar.ticksy.com/article/5182/

    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • marcello replied

    I tried to reinstall the theme and to disable the plugin but does not work

    when I open the editor in full screen mode the preview image of the 5 levels of parallax disappears

  • marcello replied

    as you can see in the picture seems that something is wrong in the output of HTML image of the key to remove the tumbnail , the link is #

  • marcello replied

    i have Salient 7.0.5

    and VC 4.9.2 !

  •  3,080
    Andrew replied

    Hi Marcello,

    We are just checking in to see if you are still experiencing any issues as it relates to the Parallax Background not functioning with the latest version of the Salient Theme (7.5.02) and Salient Visual Composer (4.12) plugins respectively.

    In case you need to update these resources, please take a look at the article below

    How To Update Salient Theme & Salient Visual Composer


  • marcello replied

    solved no problem thanks...!

    better late that never XD

    i'm so worried because i have some license of your theme, thanks for reply