Hello, i have read through many posts on this and have access to the index.php in the parent theme but not in my child theme. When I do anything to this line of code to try and change or remove the "Category Archive:" text I get a parse error on the site.
This is the line of code. If I even delete one letter in the name, parse error.
Hello, i have read through many posts on this and have access to the index.php in the parent theme but not in my child theme. When I do anything to this line of code to try and change or remove the "Category Archive:" text I get a parse error on the site.
This is the line of code. If I even delete one letter in the name, parse error.
printf( __( 'Category Archives: %s', NECTAR_THEME_NAME ), single_cat_title( '', false ) );
I'm unsure how to proceed here. I would like to be able to modify these but get an error each time. Thank you.
Hey ,
Please see: https://themenectar.ticksy.com/article/5912/ .
ThemeNectar Support Team