  Public Ticket #726277
Several bugs and/or some things not working as expected


  • Richard started the conversation

    You created a great theme!  There are several issues, though, where we've found the Salient Theme is not working as expected.  We're not sure if they're bugs or something we're doing incorrectly:

    1. The image gallery, when viewed on a phone in landscape mode and displaying a single column, shows a wide, white border on the right side of each image (see http://sdarc.com/planning/)
    2. When clicking on an intra-page # link, the destination doesn't exactly line up with the actual Row ID and the top of the anchored title block - it appears like the top menu is obscuring where it lands - (see http://sd-houses/#details; and click green 'See More' button in any slide)
    3. Can't turn off menu transparency when using a video as the header, even though 'Disable Transparency From Navigation' is checked for that page  (see http://sdarc.com/services/)
    4. There is a white space below headers (same problem as reported by k_bednarczyk 4 mos ago).  You can see this on our development site at http://sdarc.biz/about/ and http://sdarc.biz/clients/   On our production site (http://sdarc.com/about/ etc.), we had to work around this problem with the following CSS (but that causes other minor problems) :  
      <code>  container-wrap, .project-title {padding-top: 0; margin-top: 0; }  </code>
    5. The pagination in the forward and back control for the carousel shows incorrect numbering (see http://sdarc.biz/about/ - scroll down to the 'Design & Technical Staff section).  It shows '1 / 10', '2 / 10', '3 / 10', although there are only 3 pages and 7 images.  We temporarily hid the pagination numbers with CSS on our production site:  
      <code>  .carousel-wrap .item-count {display: none!important;}  </code>
    6. If using more than 5 digits in milestones the number no longer centers over the subject.  We had to change our number to be labeled 'millions' and use 2 digits.
  •  9,100
    Tahir replied

    Hey ,

    Please see: https://themenectar.ticksy.com/article/6266/

    Could you please go through this checklist quickly so we can rule out common issues https://themenectar.ticksy.com/article/5032/ .


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Richard replied

    The article at https://themenectar.ticksy.com/article/6266/ solved problem #2 - checking 'One Page Scroll Support (Animated Anchor Links)' solved it.  Thanks!

    I already went thru the checklist at https://themenectar.ticksy.com/article/5032/ before I submitted the ticket and that didn't solve any of the other issues.  Everything is updated and the only plugin I'm currently using (besides the Theme recommended) is WordFence security and disabling that didn't help.

    So, the issues #1 and #3-6 are still unresolved.

  •  9,100
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,
    Could you allow us to log in to your website backend dashboard so we can check on this for you more?. We are gonna need the username and password of admin user as well as the login url.

    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •   Richard replied privately
  •  9,100
    Tahir replied

    Hey ,

    We just released Salient 7.0.8 with the WP 4.5 Fix, If you've already installed Salient VC 4.9.2 you'll need to delete it and update to 4.11.2 to get some of the fixes, See changelog : http://themenectar.com/changelogs/salient.html .

    Update the theme by following this guide: https://themenectar.ticksy.com/article/3218/ . Also see Visual Composer update instructions in here: https://themenectar.ticksy.com/article/5182/

    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Richard replied

    We haven't upgraded to Wordpress 4.5 yet - we'll let others be the sacrificial bug testers :).  So the instructions you just posted here don't apply to us.  

    We updated to Salient 7.0.8 and VC 4.11.2 anyhow, and all of our issues listed below still remain (except for #2, which was fixed previously).

    We are waiting for you to log in to look at the problems, as you mentioned you wanted to below.

  •  9,100
    Tahir replied

    Hey ,

    1: Add this into the Custom CSS box located in your Salient Options panel (Make Sure there are no red cross in the Box) :

    .portfolio-items .col img {
        width: 100% !important;


    #page-header-wrap.fullscreen-header {
        z-index: 53 !important;
        margin-top: -50px !important;

    3 ,5 ,6:  Seems like a bug, Have notified the Developer. 

    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Richard replied

    The CSS for #1 seems to fix the problem with the oddball right margin on small screens.  

    But the CSS you provided for #4 doesn't fix the issue with the extra space below the headers.  I added that CSS to sdarc.biz and you can see that the About and Clients pages still show that problem space, although not as high.

    It seems to me that #1 and #4 should also be classified as bugs, since we're not doing anything unusual to produce those problems.

  • Richard replied

    I'm still waiting for a reply to my last response.  

    The CSS you suggested for problem #4 does not solve the problem.  The extra space below the border still remains.  

    You can see this at http://sdarc.biz/about/ and http://sdarc.biz/clients/ - the CSS you suggested has been applied but the problem remains.