  Public Ticket #793048
Contact form7


  • Marc started the conversation

    Dear Nectar Team,

    Contact form7 - radio buttons only showing after reload of page

    Radio buttons on the survey form are not loading when I navigate to the page from within the website. I.e. I go to if I'm on HOME -> click buy now -> no radio buttons. Then I refresh the page and radio buttons appear.

    Other salient styles are also NOT loaded for the form if I navigate to the form from WITHIN the page. On reload / refresh the styles and radio buttons show up.

    When I go to the form via link http://www.perthsalonweb.com.au/buynow/ directly the radio buttons do appear.

    Since this only happens when using the link from within the page, is there something I can add or change about the link in my menu that leads to the survey from ?

    So the issue only seems to exist if navigating to the form within the page.I'm using Chrome 51 and same issue in Internet Explorer 11. Loading the page for first time is always without radio buttons visible.I am using the salient wordpress theme.Please have a look here: http://www.perthsalonweb.com.au/buynow/ Please find the questionable code below.

    I had tried to disable all of my custom css for that page, but the same error still persisted.


    Question about agency demo:


    On the bottom of the page there are the responsive circles that change into squares, where do I find them in the salient demo pages please ? or can I add them as an element ?


    Question regarding alternative portfolio:


    I would like the picture in the overview to link to a project page, rather than opening a larger picture lightbox. Is that possible at all ?

    Many Thanks.


  •  9,099
    Tahir replied

    Hey ,

    Could you please update the Theme to the attached version 7.0.9 Beta 1 . Use the 2 Minute Update mentioned in this article to seamlessly update the Theme : https://themenectar.ticksy.com/article/3218/ . 

    Also we have various bug fixes made so if you would like to test the Theme for us we would highly appreciate it .

    Changelog for 7.0.9 Beta 1 :

    //Fixed fancy checkbox to work with remember me on woocommerce my account
    //Fixed image with animation Fade in From Bottom to load in right position on mobile
    //custom content exclude filter in functions.php listens to posts per page in wp admin so therefore misses anything after the default 10
    //Fixed iframe embeds in Nectar Slider to size correctly on load
    //Fixed image gallery to be able to use ext URLs
    //Fixed retina logo issues where no logo would display on Safari/iOS if retina version wasn't set
    //Fixed header nav button style to have correct color on dark nectar slides/dark row with permeneant transparent
    //Fixed IE9 compatibility with masony blog element + other various display issues
    //Fixed sticky page submenu to work when using permenant transparent header + hide header until needed options
    //Fixed Safari hover 1px jump for portfolio "Title overlaid w/ zoom effect on hover" style
    //Fixed portfolio parallax style to allow custom thumbnail correctly
    //Added google structured data author fn support to fullscreen post header
    //Fixed share count javascript error
    //Fixed masonry portfolio to work when not using any regular sized items
    //Fixed options panel glitch that hides social icon checkboxes in header navigation section when loading page
    //Addded support for Ultimate VC addons modal box iframe element
    //Fixed blog infinite scroll loading message to stay directly after blog element and not go to bottom of page when other elements are used after the blog element
    //Fixed blog classic enhanced large featured size on non fullwidth masonry layouts
    //Fixed "Disable Transparency From Navigation"option to work on page header when using video BG
    //Added option to remove theme lightbox script all together


    ATTACHED FILES:  salient7.0.9Beta1.zip

    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Marc replied


    I have updated to the beta.The issue still persists.

    When navigating to the buy now page, no styles or radio buttons are loaded.

    When refreshing the page all styles are loaded.

    Please advise what to do.



  •  9,099
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,
    If you have Page Transitions Turned On Please Switch the Animated Transition Method to "Standard" in Salient Theme Options -> Page Transition Section.

    Also be sure to check/uncheck this Disable Fade Out On Click option : http://prntscr.com/8f3bj7


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Marc replied

    Thanks mate.

    You fixed my problem. Changing from ajax to standard page loading fixed it.

    Could I also ask how to make the logo larger on the mobile phone version?

    And how to make the menu text smaller in the mobile phone version? I would prefer a drop down menu for the phone version rather than the full screen menu.

  •  9,099
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    Adjust the mobile logo height in here : http://prntscr.com/bhd40y

    As for the Mobile menu you can switch to drop down by turning off this option : http://prntscr.com/bhd4bd


    ThemeNectar Support Team