
Public Tickets

Rob Goodall Portfolio page featured imageClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated October 29, 2014 at 1:25pm   3 Most recent comment from Rob Goodall:Amazing! Thanks again for your helpRob Sanjay Lavoipierre Screen freezingClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated October 29, 2014 at 2:17am   15 Most recent comment from Sanjay Lavoipierre:I've tried that and no improvement. This problem is only happening with text blocks.I guess I will have to rebuild the page all over again. Valerie vdv use of icon in project excerptClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated October 29, 2014 at 12:56am   4 Most recent comment from Tahir :Hey!I am afraid this would require some custom development. Please consider hiring a dev over at Envato Studio. Thanks  Juan Manuel Garrido Upgrade Issue with 4.8Closed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated October 29, 2014 at 12:47am   18 Most recent comment from Tahir :Hey Juan!You have a number of plugins that could be causing an conflict . Please try deactivating all third party plugins and activate them one by one to find the cluprit. Thanks Bobby Kiertlamlert parallax slider problemClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated October 29, 2014 at 12:10am   6 Most recent comment from Tahir :Hey Again!Yes but you need to remove font awesome from the minification . http://i.imgur.com/BfjmlIq.png but all of the JS will work by default Thanks Jacob McAnderson Image OverlayClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated October 28, 2014 at 11:49pm   3 Most recent comment from Jacob McAnderson:Thanks! Ben Noonan iOS 8 issuesClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated October 28, 2014 at 11:36pm   21 Most recent comment from Tahir :Hey Nate!Sorry for the delay. Had the ticket marked for the developer but he seems to be really busy and has not been able to respond on the forums .Please add this into the Custom CSS box located in ... Yannik Gosselin Contact Map HeightClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated October 28, 2014 at 9:40pm   2 Most recent comment from Yannik Gosselin:Never mind!I just find it! I have to use a "Default Template" page for my Contact page instead of a "Contact Template" page.And in the "Default Template" page, I simply add a Google map Element, and i ... Kim Hadley Blog display offClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated October 28, 2014 at 7:45pm   3 Most recent comment from Kim Hadley:thanks, that did it. Yannik Gosselin Team Members: 2 Styles?Closed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated October 28, 2014 at 5:33pm   4 Most recent comment from Tahir :Hey!No i am afraid its not possible via the shortcode. Thanks  Ammon Lee parallax image white space when scrollingClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated October 28, 2014 at 5:22pm   8 Most recent comment from Tahir :Hey!Add this into the Custom CSS box located in your Salient Options panel :.full-width-section.parallax_section .row-bg, .full-width-content.parallax_section .row-bg {     margin-top: -150px !impo ... Ralph Burleson Video Background on AzureClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated October 28, 2014 at 4:52pm   4 Most recent comment from Tahir :Hey Again!I cant seem to recreate the issue though it could likely be a Browser rendering issue. Thanks  Daniel Demers Slide Timer LengthClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated October 28, 2014 at 3:44pm   2 Most recent comment from Tahir :Hey Daniel!Please see screenshot: http://prntscr.com/50kiar . Thanks  Jason Farris How to change font for Toggle titlesClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated October 28, 2014 at 4:19am   8 Most recent comment from Harvey Alakh:brilliant... thanks Tamas Erdodi Change slider caption and heading orderClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated October 28, 2014 at 2:51am   5 Most recent comment from Tamas Erdodi:Hi Tahir,Thanks it works perfect! :)Cheers,Tamas