
Public Tickets

Matteo Random logo on refreshClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated August 31, 2016 at 10:51am   2 Most recent comment from Tahir :Hey Matteo,This would likely require custom work and does not come under the scope of Support . Please consider hiring a freelancer over at Envato Studio .Bes.t  Mario Header menu settingsClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated August 31, 2016 at 10:48am   4 Most recent comment from Tahir :Hey Graham,You will have to reduce the Header Padding in Salient Theme Options Panel -> Header Navigation -> Logo & General Styling . Best. Saiful dummy xml file is missingClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated August 31, 2016 at 10:26am   2 Most recent comment from Tahir :Hey ,You can now Import the Dummy data as well as Theme options within the Dashboard using the Demo Importer Section in Salient Theme Options Panel . See screenshot: http://prntscr.com/9qczqr . Be ... Joel Poehlmann Blog Appearence Closed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated August 31, 2016 at 12:10am   2 Most recent comment from Andrew Cooke:Hi Joel, I hope you are having an awesome day and thanks for contacting us regarding your query.You may use the following Custom CSS Code to accomplish this request.  /*Adjusts the font size for ... Brian Weiske Add slight color overlay to Nectar slider videoClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated August 30, 2016 at 7:46pm   4 Most recent comment from Brian Weiske:Perfect.  Exactly what I needed.Thank you. Brian Weiske Add an Apple Touch icon?Closed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated August 30, 2016 at 7:39pm   3 Most recent comment from Brian Weiske:OK, sounds good.  No worries.Thank you! Giovanna Website and visual composer are not working properlyClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated August 30, 2016 at 5:57pm   5 Most recent comment from Giovanna:Yes, thank you so much! gombroo I can't see my logoClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated August 30, 2016 at 4:12pm   3 Most recent comment from gombroo:Great, thanks! Laurie Kerns Videos ResizingClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated August 30, 2016 at 4:11pm   2 Most recent comment from Tahir :Hey Laurie,Yes thats correct we have the FItVids JS library implemented that makes the video Responsive as per the Column Width . Best.  Rodrigo LONG ADDRES DONT SHOW UP ON GOOGLE MAPClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated August 30, 2016 at 3:43pm   4 Most recent comment from Tahir :Hey Again, The Slash is causing the issue please remove it try using Other symbol like this by pressing SHFT + BackSlash [  ] | Bes.t Jag Client CarouselClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated August 30, 2016 at 3:00pm   2 Most recent comment from Tahir :Hey Jag, 1: I am afraid the Client Carousel does not have arrows implemented . The ticket you have linked is referring to the Recent Projects Carousel which does have an arrow option now . 2: As ... Andrew Howard Icons not showing correctlyClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated August 30, 2016 at 2:28pm   2 Most recent comment from Tahir :Hey, Please make sure your server has the correct Mime types set: https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/wiki/Troubleshooting. You might need to contact your hosting provider to add them . ... Jens Yoast SEO Titles Stopped WorkingClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated August 30, 2016 at 2:09pm   2 Most recent comment from Tahir :Hey Jens, No we havent had any such reports yet . Best. Jean-Marie Cocheteau Zoom on pictureClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated August 30, 2016 at 12:26pm   5 Most recent comment from Jean-Marie Cocheteau:Hi Andrew,Arghhh ! I've gone one dozen time on this page admin, and never remarked that. So, thank's very much.JM Eddie Velosa Installing Demo Templates w/o OverwritingClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated August 30, 2016 at 9:59am   3 Most recent comment from Tahir :@Jordan , You can find the Demo import files inside the Theme folder in this path " wp-contentthemessalientnectarredux-frameworkextensionswbc_importerdemo-data"Best.