
Public Tickets

Blair Salient Menu MissingClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated February 9, 2016 at 4:02pm   3 Most recent comment from Blair:Hello,Thank you for your prompt reply. It was a plugin conflict.The plugin in question being "MiniGO - Uber Minimal Flat Coming Soon WP Plugin" from codecanyon.A little frustrating as i use this for m ... nils responsive text changes not stickingClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated February 9, 2016 at 3:50pm   2 Most recent comment from Tahir :Hey, Seems to be working alright : http://prntscr.com/a0ydj7 . Best. paul dummy datasClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated February 9, 2016 at 3:45pm   4 Most recent comment from paul:OK Thank you for your quick answer. very good job Tahlr! Jonathan Ziegler Button to modal imageClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated February 9, 2016 at 2:57am   5 Most recent comment from Jonathan Ziegler:perfect! i had to use the color override but it works great. thanks! jonas icons back endClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated February 9, 2016 at 1:40am   4 Most recent comment from Tahir :If you've already installed Salient VC 4.9.2 you'll need to delete it and reinstall it to get some of the fixes, See changelog : http://themenectar.com/changelogs/salient.html . Also see Visual Compos ... Paul Portfolio - BreadcrumbsClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated February 9, 2016 at 1:38am   2 Most recent comment from Tahir :Hey ,I see you got it working already .Best. Mitch Powell Post Meta-DataClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated February 9, 2016 at 1:27am   3 Most recent comment from Mitch Powell:Okay. Thank you. Patric Add Global Code to <Head> SectionClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated February 9, 2016 at 12:12am   2 Most recent comment from Tahir :Thanks for the feedback have added it to the wishlist. You can also copy paste the header.php in a child theme and add the codes in there. Best . Tom Bruno Steam social footer icon?Closed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated February 8, 2016 at 10:51pm   2 Most recent comment from Tahir :Hey,Please provide the page url so that i can write up the custom css for whats possible. You will need to replace a icon content code with an existing icon so choose a icon and place in the footer.Th ... Elderize Visual Composer not working correctly.Closed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated February 8, 2016 at 9:16pm   2 Most recent comment from Tahir :Hey ,Could you please go through this checklist quickly so we can rule out common issues https://themenectar.ticksy.com/article/5032/ . Best Stephen Bolton author content over to the rightClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated February 8, 2016 at 9:14pm   3 Most recent comment from Stephen Bolton:That's done it. Thank you Tahir. Stephen Marc site fucked after latest updateClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated February 8, 2016 at 6:55pm   3 Most recent comment from Marc:I just deleted the page and created a new one. It seems to have fixed the issue. Thomas HeaderClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated February 8, 2016 at 6:04pm   3 Most recent comment from Thomas:Okay, thanks.I hope you will add this option in a future update. Rafael S. masonry fullwidth blog problemClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated February 8, 2016 at 4:12pm   4 Most recent comment from Tahir :Hey ,Please see Image sizing Instructions in the User-guide: http://themenectar.com/docs/salient.pdf . I am afraid we dont have any such sticky post option .You can use this plugin to reorder the port ... Tim Icon AnimationsClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated February 8, 2016 at 3:26pm   4 Most recent comment from Tahir :Hey Again,Please use the Nectar Shortcode Generator: http://prntscr.com/a0ifmi . Best.