
Public Tickets

Morgan Drmaj Page Header Image "Full Screen " Not workingClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated February 2, 2016 at 6:16pm   2 Most recent comment from Tahir :Hey ,Could you allow us to log in to your website backend dashboard so we can check on this for you more?. We are gonna need the username and password of admin user as well as the login url. Best. Daryl Nectar SliderClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated February 2, 2016 at 4:34pm   5 Most recent comment from Tahir :Hey Lucas ,Please update the theme and it should fix it. Best. Rachel De Barros font-awesome and visual composer not displayingClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated February 2, 2016 at 3:20am   9 Most recent comment from Taishart:I have the same problem.Salient theme version 7.0.5 Visual Composer v 4.9.2I disactivated all plugins, updated the theme and js-composer plugin etc. etc. but i still have only squares instead of icons ... Atlantida First slide on Nectar-Slider doesn't animateClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated February 1, 2016 at 11:41pm   8 Most recent comment from Sean B:I am experiencing the same jump cut issue after the initial slide. I appreciate you looking into it. I was wondering if that was tied to the slides not appearing in the Edge explorer either. Rick Barrett Portfolio Titles and sub line disappear on Mobiles/small screens?Closed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated February 1, 2016 at 11:15pm   4 Most recent comment from Tahir :Hey Again,Could you try in another browser and check as i cant seem to recreate in any screen sizes. Tried lowering it as well ?. Have you tested other mobile phones ?. This could be a outdated browse ... Natalia Kalina Home Slider too smallClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated February 1, 2016 at 6:30pm   2 Most recent comment from Tahir :Hey! Please try using the Flexible Slider Height option in Nectar Slider. Also when using the flexible slider height option you have to enter the slider height based on how big your images would ... Richard Style on Portfolio Meta TypeClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated February 1, 2016 at 6:29pm   2 Most recent comment from Tahir :Hey,This should help: https://support.woothemes.com/hc/en-us/articles/203105957-Customizing-your-theme-with-FirebugBest. Stef Equal height of items inside a columnClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated February 1, 2016 at 3:31pm   5 Most recent comment from Norbert:Hello, we also have the same issue.Salient 7.0.5 with VC 4.9.2. The "equal height" option cannot work with inner rows. URL: http://justgo.hu/testsite/equal-height-issue/ Dawn Perry Bottom of page menuClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated February 1, 2016 at 3:27pm   4 Most recent comment from Tahir :Hey Again,You will have to edit the footer.php for it. Bes.t ‪eitan shiber‬‏ TESTEMONIALS SLIDERClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated February 1, 2016 at 3:04pm   4 Most recent comment from Tahir :Hey ,Please make sure your server has the correct Mime types set: https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/wiki/Troubleshooting . You might need to contact your hosting provider to add them . Best. Almudena Anchor linkClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated January 31, 2016 at 2:03am   4 Most recent comment from Almudena:Forget my reply. This is worked out. I wrote the site with www, but it should not do that. Now it is working wel... Thanks. tobias How to style .sfHover.current-menu-item using custom cssClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated January 30, 2016 at 10:44pm   3 Most recent comment from tobias:NO.i was searching for line 43 incss/colors.php "color:'. $options["accent-color"].'!important;"to be able to customize my css code.needed to remove the !important attribute.there are some compatibili ... Ammon Lee invalide CSS property with safariClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated January 30, 2016 at 4:43pm   4 Most recent comment from Tahir :Hey Again,Have Notified the Developer so he can have a look. Since its just a warning it can be ignored. Best. Ammon Lee VC blog element bug?Closed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated January 30, 2016 at 4:42pm   4 Most recent comment from Tahir :Hey Again,Its a Core WP Bug: https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/35344#comment:34 . You can apply the changes yourself or wait for the next WP Update :) .Best. And Subtitle Fade In - Just works in FirefoxClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated January 30, 2016 at 4:36pm   2 Most recent comment from Tahir :Hey, We just released Salient 7.0.5 which has the VC 4.9.2 update as well which would fix all pending VC issues, See changelog : http://themenectar.com/changelogs/salient.html .Update the theme by fol ...