
Public Tickets

mkamara Project navigation titlesClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated September 2, 2020 at 11:54am   5 Most recent comment from mkamara:Ok no probs. Thanks anteiku44 Sticky Column/elementClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated September 2, 2020 at 11:35am   4 Most recent comment from Tahir :Hey Again,I am afraid that's not possible given the Current Theme Options.Thanks  Co-Brains small desktop responsive typographyClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated September 2, 2020 at 11:32am   4 Most recent comment from Tahir :These 4 media queries are used in general.     @media only screen and (min-width: 1300px) and (max-width: 1500px){ body .portfolio-items.constrain-max-cols.masonry-items .col.elastic-portf ... oswaldopz Menu Label on burger inconClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated September 2, 2020 at 11:21am   13 Most recent comment from Tahir :Hey Again,I believe the cache is causing the discrepancy. Please clear your cache using this guide: https://themenectar.ticksy.com/article/6226/ .If you are using WP Rocket use this guide :  htt ... adam graves search function-backwardsClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated September 2, 2020 at 6:20am   2 Most recent comment from Andrew Cooke:Hi Adam, Ensure you have the latest version of theme. View changelog here: http://themenectar.com/changelogs/salient.htmlUpdate the theme following the guide http://themenectar.com/docs/salient/updat ... Randy Wilcox Adding google font weightsClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated September 2, 2020 at 6:03am   2 Most recent comment from Andrew Cooke:Hi Randy, Please use this guide https://themenectar.ticksy.com/article/9773/ to How to make the custom font show up in the typography section of Salient Theme Options Panel. Hope this helps. stephen lindley the footerClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated September 1, 2020 at 2:42pm   2 Most recent comment from Andrew Cooke:Hi Stephen,Thanks for getting in touch.You can change style in Salient > Footer and add content in Appearance > WidgetsHope this helps. Paolo Problem Salient Theme with Worpdress 5.5Closed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated September 1, 2020 at 2:37pm   2 Most recent comment from Andrew Cooke:Hi Paolo,Ensure you have latest theme version. Update following the guide http://themenectar.com/docs/salient/updating-salient/Changelog can be view here:http://themenectar.com/changelogs/salient.ht ... Will Donoghue can i create a drop down on image? See awards on this page that when rolled over they show a drop down menu of pagesClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated September 1, 2020 at 10:59am   2 Most recent comment from Tahir :Hey Will,Thanks for using Salient. I believe there is no such Roll Over Effect available, though we have multiple pre-made layouts that you can use: http://themenectar.com/docs/salient/salient-stud ... fablabenschede Nectar slider Backend button problemClosed   General   Updated September 1, 2020 at 9:34am   3 Most recent comment from fablabenschede:Best,After testing it's Calendarize it!Luckily i'm not using it right now so i removed it.Thanks a Lot!!!  Jen Boxer Portfolio widgets displaying differenwtly even on the same pageClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated September 1, 2020 at 7:44am   7 Most recent comment from Jen Boxer:the css change fixed things I just didn't understand why the theme was causing them to display differently based on categories Jodie Hopperton installationClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated August 31, 2020 at 9:35pm   6 Most recent comment from Jodie Hopperton:Update: I sent the file to Wordpress and it worked fine for them. No idea what's up on my side but all sorted. Thanks for your help! Admospherics Question/ProblemClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated August 31, 2020 at 5:17pm   4 Most recent comment from Andrew Cooke:Hi Malte, Can you ensure you are on the latest version of salient. Update following the guide: http://themenectar.com/docs/salient/updating-salientYou can view changelog herehttp://themenectar.com/ch ... tretlo search bug; text is entered backwardsClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated August 31, 2020 at 5:13pm   2 Most recent comment from Andrew Cooke:Hi there,This issue was caused when WordPress v5.5 was released and was corrected in vSalient 12.1.1. Once you update to that, the problem should resolve: http://themenectar.com/docs/salient/updating ... Abbas Khatamian Different Logo for Different Languages (Pages)Closed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated August 31, 2020 at 1:10pm   9 Most recent comment from Abbas Khatamian:Thanks for your help Tahir. I'll look into it to determine which Plugin is causing the conflict.Have a great day.Abbas