
Public Tickets

Chris User Account button not working   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated 2 weeks ago   2 Most recent comment from Judith Olango:Hi Chris,Thanks for writing to us.You can add the link to the account page here : I truly hope this proves helpful for you. Should you have any further questions or encounter any difficulties along t ... Filip Beunens Design Help   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated 2 weeks ago   5 Most recent comment from Judith Olango:Hello Filip,Thanks for writing back.I am afraid this is not possible at the moment. This may require a change to the menu markup which would require code customization which I'm afraid we are no ... whatneobank wp backery backend not appearing   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated 2 weeks ago   2 Most recent comment from Judith Olango:Hi there,Thanks for writing to us.Try clicking on the Classic Mode then the Backend Editor button will show up. You can also head to WPBakery Settings > General Settings then check this option :I trul ... Jac Button fancy box   General   Updated 2 weeks ago   3 Most recent comment from Andrew Cooke:Hi Jac,Thank you for getting back to us.You can try adding custom HTML to add a button to the Fancy Box. It would look something like this: Test Span Cheers Try this and let us know how it goes.Thank ... Dominik Remove the Back to Overview Button from our Blog   General   Updated 2 weeks ago   4 Most recent comment from Andrew Cooke:Hi Dominik,I'm happy that we could assist you! If you haven't already, please consider sharing your experience by leaving a review on ThemeForest. Your feedback is valuable to us and greatl ... Philipp translate read more   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated 2 weeks ago   2 Most recent comment from Judith Olango:Hello Philipp,Thanks for writing to us.Just use the plugin "Loco Translate" and then create a language file in the language you desire (i.e. EN US). Afterwards, navigate Plugins > Salient Core and ... alex deckard Social Share Button on Post Page   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated 2 weeks ago   3 Most recent comment from ThemeNectar:Hey Alex,That style will be utilized when setting your "Blog Header Type" to "Featured Media Under Heading" in the Salient options panel > Blog > Single Post Header tab.After making that change, ens ... futurelight01 Isolating and using Down-Arrow from header in body of page   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated 3 weeks ago   2 Most recent comment from Judith Olango:Hi there,Thanks for writing to us.I am afraid this is not possible. You can only use in the Page Header of the page.Should you have any further questions or encounter any difficulties along the way, p ... Digitalspecific Pop Up   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated 3 weeks ago   4 Most recent comment from Andrew Cooke:Hi again, Thank you for getting back to us. Try Following the instructions on the pop up plugin to add the link to your login button. You can add it here.If that does not work, you can add the button ... cfoyFHE Adding Custom Icons   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated 3 weeks ago   6 Most recent comment from Andrew Cooke:Hi again,Thank you for getting back to us.I'm glad we could assist, feel free to reach out to us if you have any other queries.Kind regards, Alexa Back To Top Missing For Portfolio Pages   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated 3 weeks ago   7 Most recent comment from Andrew Cooke:Hi Alexa,Thank you for getting back to us.Yes, that is the case as the markup gets output on all pages but the animation only works on Pages. That said, I have noted to add this to the wishlist for co ... iamvinniev Unable to access widget section   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated 3 weeks ago   2 Most recent comment from Judith Olango:Hello there,Thanks for writing to us.I am certain this guide will point you to the possible causes and fixes of this error: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-fix-the-critical-error-in-wo ... Rick matching graphic size to text box   General   Updated 3 weeks ago   3 Most recent comment from Judith Olango:Hello Rick,Thanks for writing to us. To make the changes as requested, you will need to add some custom CSS code. To do this, please follow these steps: From your WordPress dashboard, Navigate to Sali ... Riya Error while designing the websiteClosed   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated 3 weeks ago   4 Most recent comment from ThemeNectar:The parent ThemeNectar website is not advertised as an importable demo for Salient. There are custom sections on themenectar.com created with custom code rather than Salient elements, so they cannot b ... summerllc Dropdown menu not showing on Safari   Salient - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme   Updated 3 weeks ago   6 Most recent comment from Andrew Cooke:Hi again,Thank you for getting back to us.Could you clear your cache and also clear the caching plugin you have installed and let us know if this resolves the issue?Please clear your cache using this ...